‘Run the World’ is a comedy-drama television series that revolves around four professional young black women who are living life to the fullest while juggling their careers, love lives, and friendship with each other at the same time. The best friends consist of Ella (Andrea Bordeaux), a writer; Sondi (Corbin Reid), who’s pragmatic to a fault; the lively but busy advertising executive Renee (Bresha Webb), and Whitney (Amber Stevens West), who is about to marry her longtime boyfriend and freaking out about it.
Created and written by Leigh Davenport, the show is about the easy-going friendship between the four women as they tackle life while surrounded by a rich and vibrant culture in a predominantly black neighborhood. This makes the location as important as the characters that inhabit it. So, just where was ‘Run the World’ filmed? Read on and find out!
Run the World Filming Locations
‘Run the World’ was filmed entirely in New York City, particularly in and around Harlem and Long Island. The production began on October 29, 2020, and wrapped up in early 2021. New York has long been the cultural melting pot of America and is the favored location for both films and television due to its diverse and vibrant city life, which can be seen reflected in the faces of its people. New York manages to attract tons of visitors every day who wish to experience the city for themselves. Now, let us take a look at where exactly ‘Run the World’ was captured.
Harlem, New York
Located in Upper Manhattan in New York City, Harlem is a neighborhood that is known for its African-American heritage. Sitting to the West of the Hudson River and the Harlem River to the North, the neighborhood is home to jazz clubs, trendy restaurants, and bars, as well as the Apollo Theatre at its heart on 125th Street. Harlem’s mix of old brownstones and modern high-rises is a fusion that reflects the neighborhood’s own mix of new and old traditions and practices.
The story of ‘Run the World’ is set in Harlem only, and the series was lensed in the neighborhood – particularly the exterior scenes. These locations include the beautiful Harlem Meer in the northeast corner of Central Park, the Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market on 116th Street, the famous “Young Gifted & Harlem” mural painted by Ronald Draper on Morningside Avenue, and the historic Mount Morris Park District, which serves as the home for the characters in the show.
The show also features monuments to African-American history, such as the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Memorial and the Harriet Tubman Memorial. We also see friends often celebrating at Ginny’s Supper Club on 310 Malcolm X Boulevard. A few of the interior shots were taken on the soundstage at Gold Coast Studios in Long Island.
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