‘Sky High’ is a Spanish heist thriller directed by Daniel Calparsoro and stars Miguel Herrán of ‘Money Heist‘ fame. The film follows Angel (Herrán), a young man from a poor suburb in the outer limits of Madrid, who gets into a life of crime to feed his ambition. As he rises from his poor neighborhood to Madrid’s high society and yacht parties in Ibiza, his lifestyle comes at a price as his heists get riskier.
The film portrays two very different sides of Madrid and gives audiences a glimpse of what people are willing to do to cross over to a life of wealth, even if it costs them their freedom. The contrast between the gritty and glitzy parts of Madrid seen throughout the film further emphasizes this point. If you’re wondering where exactly ‘Sky High’ was filmed, we’ve got news for you!
Sky High Filming Locations
‘Sky High’ was filmed on location largely in Madrid, with some scenes being shot in Valencia and the island of Ibiza. The city of Madrid features as the main backdrop of the movie, portraying parts of its city center and affluent downtown neighborhoods as well as low-income suburbs in the outer reaches of the city. Filming for ‘Sky High’ started in June 2019 and lasted till November of the same year. Let’s dig in and take a closer look at the filming locations.
Madrid, Spain
‘Sky High’ takes place in the suburbs of Madrid as well as the city center. Scenes for the movie were shot in multiple neighborhoods and streets of the city, especially when it came to the initial jewelry store heists that we see. Scenes depicting Angel and his gangs’ early homes were filmed in the suburbs of Madrid, far from the city center.
An interesting aspect of one of the suburban locations is that in the initial scenes of the movie, we see Angel and his friend standing in their run-down neighborhood, from where they can see the skyline of the city center of Madrid. They look at the skyscrapers and wonder whether they look like ants to the people in those buildings.
Near the end of the movie, Angel finds himself standing inside one of those very buildings, looking down at people who (he exclaims) look like ants. The scene is an important one in the movie since it signifies just how far the ambitious protagonist has come. The skyscrapers in question are located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area of Madrid.
The business district itself is named after the skyscrapers, which are the tallest in Spain, and the name literally translates to “Four Towers Business Area.” Madrid’s Soto del Real prison, sometimes also known as the “VIP Prison” because of its multiple high profile inmates, is also shown in the movie and is portrayed to be the prison that Angel is sent to on more than one occasion.
Sant Josep de Sa Talaia, Spain
Sant Josep de Sa Talaia is a village in western Ibiza and was used for scenes depicting the characters’ time on the island of Ibiza. The village is a particularly well-known filming location and offers breathtaking coastal views, especially during sunsets, as well as year-round sunshine. Some scenes, like the party on the yacht, were filmed on location off the coast of Ibiza.
Valencia, Spain
Valencia features briefly in the movie as well. It is first mentioned in the film when the protagonist and his gang are on the ferry from Ibiza to Valencia. However, it is only shown much later in the film when they plan a heist near the Valencia port. Filming for these scenes occurred on location near the Port of Valencia, which is one of the busiest ports in Europe.
Read More: Sky High Ending, Explained
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