Based on the eponymous Marvel Comics character, ‘Madame Web’ is a female-led superhero action movie co-written and directed by S.J. Clarkson. The fourth installment in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU), its story revolves around a young woman named Cassie Webb who attempts to warn and save the lives of three other women from Ezekiel Sims, who is on a mission to stop them from becoming Spider-Women. Led by the impressive performance of Dakota Johnson, the film also features other talented actors in supporting roles, including Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced, Celeste O’Connor, Tahar Rahim, Mike Epps, Emma Roberts, and Adam Scott. Although it received an unfavorable response from the critics, it is still likely to excite many fans to stay up to date with the SSU.
What is Madame Web About?
Dakota Johnson stars as Madame Web, a Manhattan-based paramedic who discovers that she has developed the power to see the future. Putting her powers to good use, she takes the responsibility to keep three young women safe and sound as each of them must fulfill their powerful destinies and become Spider-Women. Meanwhile, Ezekiel Sims plots to destroy the three women as they are destined to kill him in the future. Will Madame Web protect the future Spider-Women? To find out, you must watch the film yourself; and here are the ways you can do so!
Is Madame Web on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Netflix does not house ‘Madame Web ‘ in its expansive collection of movies and TV shows. However, the streaming giant more than makes up for it by providing you with some excellent alternatives, including ‘The Old Guard‘ and ‘Thunder Force.’
Is Madame Web on HBO Max?
No, ‘Madame Web ‘ is not a part of HBO Max’s extensive catalog. But you can make the most of your subscription by checking out other alternatives like ‘Catwoman‘ and ‘Wonder Woman.’
Is Madame Web on Hulu?
We hate to break it to you that ‘Madame Web ‘ is not available for streaming on Hulu. Alternatively, you have the option to turn to similar superhero movies that the streamer houses, such as ‘The Spirit‘ and ‘X-Men: First Class.’
Is Madame Web on Amazon Prime?
Even though ‘Madame Web ‘ is not a part of Amazon Prime’s regular offering, you can still purchase the movie on the streaming giant. In order to get more information about the same, you can head over here! Meanwhile, the regular subscription can be used to watch other movies of the same genre, like ‘The Flash‘ and ‘Samaritan.’
Is Madame Web on Disney+?
Disney+ doesn’t include ‘Madame Web ‘ in its extensive content library. But you can turn to other superhero movies on the streamer, such as ‘Spider-Man,’ ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home,’ and ‘Black Widow.’
Where to Watch Madame Web Online?
‘Madame Web ‘ has been released in theaters as well as on several VOD platforms. It means that you can also buy or rent the movie on Vudu, AMC on Demand, Spectrum on Demand, iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, and YouTube. But if you wish to get a more immersive experience, you are welcome to check show timings and book tickets on the movie’s official website and Fandango.
Read More: Madame Web: Exploring All Filming Sites of the Action Thriller Movie