Netflix’s ‘Bling Empire’ is a reality series that follows the wildly wealthy Asian and Asian American residents of Los Angeles, as they help us delve into their absurdly extravagant and delightfully petty world of money, glamor, and fame. The only seemingly regular affluent individual in the group seems to be Kane Lim, who proved time and time again that friendship and peace, along with high-fashion, are the things that matter to him the most. And we’re not going to lie, his spiritual ways, his respect towards tradition, and his fun-loving nature intrigued us the most. So, let’s find out more about him and his personal life, shall we?
Who Is Kane Lim?
Kane Lim is a 30-year-old real estate developer, investor, and philanthropist, who started working at the age of 17, not content to be just another rich kid on the Singaporean block. After starting his own luxury fashion business venture, which is no surprise considering that he studied the subject in college before dropping out and has an obviously out-there sense of style, Kane joined his family business. Then, he became a developer and investor, setting up a base in Los Angeles, California, where he could manage both his work and his play at the same time.
While some might look at Kane, his shoe collection, his heavy bling, and his finances and immediately assume that he is a spoilt rich kid, that is not at all the case. Yes, he loves spending on luxurious items for himself, but he also gives back to the society and the community from where he hails from and resides as much as possible. And we can only assume that his faith in Buddhism and his active participation in the religion plays a role in that. Thus, the Asian business heir and king of Los Angeles’ elite social circle is loved by both his community and his friends.
Are Kane Lim and Florent Together? Who Is Kane Dating?
At the end of season 1 of ‘Bling Empire,’ Kane Lim admitted that Cherie Chan inspired him to “kind of just break traditions and, um, just live your life,” following which, we see the camera cut to him asking Florent for his phone details. “The kid in me, it’s like, you don’t want to disappoint your parents. But maybe it’s time to start a new relationship – go and date someone,” he added in the confessional. “Live my life without apology.” Florent then could be heard saying that he was single and very available, implying that both he and Kane were interested in each other as romantic partners.
However, from the looks of Kane’s social media platform, it seems like he is currently still single. He’s not one to usually share his personal life with the public anyway. Yet, he has never posted anything that might imply that he is currently in a relationship – with Florent or anyone else. Therefore, we can only make guesses from the information we have, which is; neither Kane nor Florent have ever admitted to any involvement. But the positive thing for people who might be hoping for something between them is that they still follow each other on Instagram and seem to have remained cordial with one other.
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