Created by Dick Wolf, ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’ is the longest-running entry in the sprawling ‘Law & Order’ franchise. The plot follows the detectives of the Special Victims Unit (SVU) of the NYPD’s 16th precinct in Manhattan as they investigate and prosecute heinous crimes such as rape, domestic violence, and child abuse. At present, the team is led by Olivia Benson, who initially joined the unit because she was a rape victim as a child.
Teddy Muncy is a supporting character who makes his first appearance in ‘SVU’ in season 24 episode 17, titled ‘Lime Chaser.’ After a photo of him with a suspect in a case comes to light, he draws the attention of Benson and the rest of the team. Here is everything you need to know about him. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Teddy Muncy: Brother of Grace Muncy
Teddy is the brother of Grace Muncy, one of the team members. In the episode, Tonie Churlish is reluctant to accompany Detective Bruno to the bar where she knows Grace and Velasco are. The team is undergoing a transition period this season. After Rollins’ departure, three new members — Grace, Bruno, and Churlish — have joined the team, and it hasn’t been a particularly smooth ride. Churlish recorded what she thought was a murder confession by Velasco and shared it with Benson. Although Velasco has since moved past that, Grace is still angry at Churlish on his behalf.
Teddy is introduced in a cleverly formatted scene. Churlish initially doesn’t realize who he is when he sits down beside her. She tells him that her boss has asked her to buy rounds for two police officers whose integrity she finds questionable. Teddy correctly recognizes who she is speaking about before introducing himself. In response, a clearly embarrassed Churlish, who doesn’t drink herself, buys a round for him.
The following morning, a woman named Abby walks up in some other part of the city and realizes that she was raped. She was at a bar where the bartender, Arlo, gave her tequila shots, and she seemed lost consciousness after two of them. During the investigation, Churlish finds a photo of Teddy with the bartender, prompting Benson to tell her detectives to bring him in for questioning. It turns out that he and Arlo are part of the same jiu-jitsu gym. Although Teddy vehemently denies that he has anything to do with what happened to Abby, it becomes apparent that some of his views on the subject are rather questionable.
Teddy later agrees to wear a camera and microphone and approaches Arlo to ask him to arrange a girl for his friend’s bachelor party. To prove herself to Benson, Churlish earlier gave Teddy a photo of her to give to Arlo without consulting her superior officers. As Arlo takes the bait, Benson reluctantly agrees to continue with Churlish’s plans.
However, it turns out that Arlo has put the drugs on the lime slices and not the tequila itself. Churlish is kidnapped and taken to Teddy’s hotel room. After the man who brings Churlish there tries to rape her, Teddy throws him out before succeeding in waking Churlish up. Afterward, when the head of this network is arrested, he threatens Teddy after learning who Grace is.
Michael Trotter Plays Teddy Muncy
Actor and producer Michael Trotter plays Teddy Muncy in ‘Law & Order: SVU.’ He has been active in the industry since 2005 when he appeared in the short film ‘The Locrian Mode.’ Since then, he has portrayed various characters in projects like ‘CSI: Miami,’ ‘Cold Case,’ ‘Bones,’ ‘Underground,’ and ‘The Right Stuff.’ He is slated to appear in the upcoming film ‘Mischief Upon Mischief.’ In July 2021, Trotter married fellow actor Jamie Gray Hyder, who portrays Detective Katriona “Kat” Tamin in three seasons of ‘SVU,’ in an intimate ceremony in New York.
Read More: Is Jasmine Batchelor’s Detective Tonie Churlish Leaving Law & Order: SVU?
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