‘Tough as Nails’ is a reality competition series on CBS that tests the physical and mental strength of contestants as they take on challenges at actual job sites. Each week, a contestant is eliminated depending on their performance. However, the person who gets eliminated continues to be part of the show, which is not usually the case for most reality series.
Therefore, it seemed odd that Michael “Eyebrows” Guerriero (AKA Mikey) was not seen after the second episode of season 2, especially since he was not even eliminated in any task. However, the bricklayer from New York City managed to ruffle some feathers in his short stint on ‘Tough as Nails.’ If you are curious to know what happened, here is all that we’ve got!
What Happened to Michael “Eyebrows” Guerriero?
Even though it is unusual for participants to leave the series, Tara Alverson and Mikey exited from the show after only a couple of episodes. However, the curiosity around Mikey’s exit started gaining momentum since not much was said about why he left the show. Tara’s exit was addressed clearly in the series, and it was stated that she would be unable to continue competing due to her hand injury. In contrast, the presenter and co-creator Phil Keoghan only said that Mikey would not be continuing because he “had to go home.”
Furthermore, in a team challenge in episode 2, Mikey caused Patrick “Freight Train” Hargan to fall into the water. No doubt, the incident caused a little friction between the two contestants, but Mikey clarified that it was unintentional. Later, Keoghan also spoke publicly and confirmed the same. Therefore, this incident also failed to solve the mystery behind why Mikey was “disqualified.”
Why Did Michael “Eyebrows” Guerriero Leave Tough as Nails?
In Keoghan’s interview with Rob Has a Podcast in March 2021, he revealed the reason for Mikey’s disqualification. He said, “It’s very important for us to have a respectful environment on the set. That’s a priority for us. We do have some zero-tolerance rules. Behind the scenes, he, unfortunately, broke one of those rules, and that’s why he’s not competing on the show anymore. That’s really it.”
Keoghan reiterated that there are no do-overs after a person has crossed a line and none of it was a surprise for the contestants because they were very well aware of the rules. Since things moved very quickly, it was decided that the viewers would simply be informed about Mikey’s departure without delving into the matter at that stage.
Although Keoghan remained tight-lipped about the sequence of events, it did not stop the fans from speculating the reason for Mikey’s exit. While some speculated family troubles, others said that his fall in the Individual Challenge might have left him unfit to continue competing in the show. Many other viewers also expressed their displeasure with him after Patrick’s fall.
However, as Keoghan revealed, Mikey broke some rules off-camera, which resulted in him being disqualified from the competition series. While the presenter saved Mikey some public criticism by not disclosing the exact incident, it seems unlikely that Mikey would ever be welcome back on the show. ‘Tough as Nails’ has been renewed for seasons 3 and 4, which are likely to bring in a fresh set of contestants.
Read More: Where Is Tough as Nails Season 2 Filmed?
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