‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ is a reality series that follows the cast members of ‘Jersey Shore’ as they spend a month together on vacation. As expected, there is no dearth of drama in the lives of the cast members. Over the years, the show has highlighted several life events ranging from weddings and babies to stints at rehabilitation facilities and prisons.
Those who have been following the series know that Ronnie Ortiz-Magro often finds himself at the center of controversies. However, he recently announced that he is taking a break from the MTV show. So naturally, his fans were caught off-guard and want to know what led to this decision. Here are all the details!
Why Did Ronnie Leave Jersey Shore: Family Vacation?
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro did not keep the fans guessing as he shared the reason why he left the show. On May 13, 2021, he put up an Instagram story that read, “After talking to the team at MTV, we have mutually agreed that I will step away from the show while I seek medical treatment for mental health issues that I’ve ignored for too long.” He also wrote, “My number one goal now is facing my struggles head on. This process will be difficult, but my #1 priority is to get healthy and be the best man and the best father I can for my daughter.”
The announcement came only weeks after Ronnie’s most recent run-in with the law. On April 22, 2021, he was arrested for an incident of alleged domestic violence while his daughter Ariana was in his care. It was clarified that this incident did not involve the child’s mother, Jen Harley. According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the arrest was booked as “intimate partner violence with injury with priors.” Ronnie is currently in a relationship with Saffire Matos, who is an eyelash technician. Soon after the alleged incident made headlines, Matos claimed that all was well between her and Ronnie.
Matos even posted an Instagram story saying, “There is a lot of misleading information floating around out there. With anybody who reached out with concern I appreciate it with all my heart, but everything that’s being portrayed out there are not facts.” She also urged people to respect their privacy. It is worth noting that Ronnie is currently on probation for a supposed incident that took place in October 2019. The reality star had an on-again-off-again relationship with Harley from 2017-2019.
After an alleged dispute between the two, Ronnie was charged with several misdemeanors, including domestic violence, brandishing a weapon, criminal threats, child endangerment, false imprisonment (of Jen), and two counts of resisting arrest. The then-couple ultimately parted ways the same month. In November 2019, Ronnie was put on probation for 36 months and accepted a plea deal that required him to do community labor, pay a fine, and attend domestic violence classes for 52 weeks.
You may also remember that earlier in 2019, Ronnie had checked himself into a wellness retreat center to deal with his alcohol misuse and depression. With all that has been going on in Ronnie’s life, particularly in the past few years, it is evident that the reality star has a lot to sort out. His recent decision to take a break from the show was celebrated by many viewers who felt that MTV needed to take a strong stance against abusive behavior. In fact, a petition was started urging the network to fire Ronnie on account of his behavior that has been documented on the various shows he has been a part of.
However, on the other hand, there were many people who appreciated Ronnie for publicly acknowledging his struggles and deciding to dedicate time to work on himself. In response, Ronnie expressed gratitude towards his friends and well-wishers who have stood by him through this rocky phase. Currently, there is no news regarding how long Ronnie will be away from the show. As he has cited mental health issues, one cannot impose a time frame on how long he might need. However, it is clear that Ronnie will be out of the reality series for a while.
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