While there’s no denying acceptance, belief, empathy, and love are core factors that help us thrive at every step of the way in life, some individuals have used these for different purposes. Amongst them, as carefully explored in HBO’s ‘Love Has Won: the Cult of Mother God’ was actually Amy Carlson, the apparent leader (aka Mother God) of this titular spiritual organization. Though if we’re being honest, her involvement here only began thanks to an older man named Amerith WhiteEagle — so now, if you simply wish to learn more about him, here’s what we know.
Who is Amerith WhiteEagle?
It was reportedly back in the mid-2000s when Amy developed a deep interest in New Age theologies, gradually leading her to become a regular poster on an online forum at Lightworkers. That’s where she first came across California native Amerith, an artist, a musician, as well as a man of God with the utter belief that everyone has at least a little bit of divine energy swirling inside. Then came their romantic involvement despite the former already having a family of her own in Texas — she was married for the third time and had three young kids from different fathers.
Nevertheless, in late 2007, Amy left her husband, children, and stable job behind to be with the man she believed to be her “twin flame,” resulting in the beginning of their life together in Colorado. The couple eventually launched a website by the name of Galactic Free Press, where they shared wedding photos before consistently blogging about their beliefs while also preaching positivity. “We would talk about ascension, stepping out of the programmed world, and attaining a higher vibrational consciousness,” he candidly conceded in the original production to director Hannah Olson.

Amerith continued, “We were trying to bring this heaven on Earth, where everybody could be part of it — like a family,” which is why they soon kickstarted a YouTube channel too. Their aim was essentially to declare true peace on Earth, and so their followers also became “The Earth Allies” — this channel was originally his, yet it was later better known as Amy’s 5D Full Disclosure. By this point, the duo had not only declared their union divine but also indicated they had a much larger flow of divine spiritual energies within them than most, making them Mother and Father God.
Yet alas, by the time the early 2010s rolled around, Amy’s belief of being “more God than other people were God,” plus her need for a platform over others had led the relationship to crumble apart. In fact, it has been indicated she subsequently sidelined Amerith, took over their socials, and began favoring those Father Gods whose ambitions were more aligned with her fantasies of grandeur. She even claimed to have taken his “energies” before settling down in Cre stone by herself for good, which is where she really evolved the group they’d begun to build together as Love Has Won.
Where is Amerith WhiteEagle?
While the details of Amerith and Amy’s split remain unclear, the truth is he has never once wavered from his ambitions for our world, his connection with God, his intrinsic beliefs, or his lifestyle. You can actually check out both his Twitter as well as Facebook profiles to delve deeper into his mindset, all of which makes it clear he’ll continue preaching no matter the circumstances because that’s just who he is. It’s even imperative to note it appears as if he now resides in Northern California, where he’s still in touch with his creative self while also speaking up about the importance of being present.
Moreover, and maybe more importantly, we should mention that it seems like Amerith has since found love again with a woman named Cynthia Rainer. After all, one of his most recent Facebook posts reads, in part, “THE MOST AMAZING THING ABOUT LOVE IS, WE ALL ARE MADE OF ALL LOVE IS, AWAKENING, NOW IS GOD’S GIFT TO THE ALL, OF ALL LOVE, IS, MY DEAR ANGEL, I LOVE YOU JUST LIKE THIS AS NOW IS ALL WE ARE, TOGETHER. YOU GOD ME IN ALL THE LOVE, YOU ARE BRILLI’YOU’TIFULLY, YOU.” Then, with a link to The Riddle’s song “Five for Fighting,” he continued, “MY DEAR ANGEL, BEFORE GOD I STAND AS ALL THE LOVE “I AM”! GOD NOW AS LOVE’S LIFE, FOREVER, E.T. PHONE HOME, SET FREE TO BE, YES, MY DEAR ANGEL I LOVE YOU JUST LIKE THIS, ALWAYS JOYFULLY 🙏💖💕💥😇❤️♥️♥️💙🙏”
Read More: Jason Castillo: Amy Carlson’s Ex-Lover Now Runs Joy Rains as Father God
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