MTV’s long-running reality game series, ‘The Challenge,’ brings contestants from within the network and outside to pit them against one another in a series of extreme challenges. Over its 36 seasons, fans have been navigating their personal and professional lives. Chris “CT” Tamburello’s return to its latest edition, ‘The Challenge: Double Agents,’ piqued the viewers’ curiosity to know if he is still in a relationship with his then-girlfriend, Diem Brown? The show has introduced some adorable but many tragic love stories to the world, but Diem and CT’s pairing has been a fan-favorite!
Diem and CT: Journey Together
Chris “CT” Tamburello and Diem Brown crossed paths on ‘Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel’ (season 13), which premiered on October 12, 2006. They clicked instantly during the show’s filming and kept flirting with each other back and forth. The viewers could not wait for the two to be officially an “item,” which happened sooner than later.
What brought the two closer was how CT helped Diem feel beautiful and even ladylike during her fight with ovarian cancer. She had lost one ovary in the process, and there were moments when she needed reassurance that she looked beautiful even without her “wig.” The reality star reminded her of just that during the time spent together. They appeared together on ‘The Gauntlet III’ (season 15) as a couple. But Diem and CT’s sizzling chemistry and deep care for each other could not conceal the fact that it was indeed a tumultuous relationship.
Their on-again, off-again status got so confusing that it became impossible for their followers to keep tabs on what was going on. After dating for almost a year and a half, they officially called it quits. Even during the times, like on ‘The Challenge: Rivals II’ reunion episode, they did not romantically see each other, Diem had nothing but compliments to shower on CT. But their fans never stopped shipping them and wished to see more of their adorable moments on the screen. So did CT and Diem give their relationship another chance?
Are Diem and CT Still Together?
The devastating news of Diem’s demise on November 14, 2014, broke her fans’ hearts into a million pieces. The two-time cancer survivor was informed in June 2014 that, unfortunately, her cancer had returned for the third time. But the brave soul did not let it crush her spirit, and she continued to live her life on her own terms. In the face of acute pain, she flew to Panama to compete in ‘Battle of the Exes II’ (season 26). But during the filming, she collapsed on set in August 2014.
The production team extended help to the best of their ability, and she was immediately evacuated to New York with all the medical precautions. In October, Diem had clarified to People that she was a single woman, yet CT was one of her well-wishers who visited her during her final days. Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer and passed away at the age of 34. CT and Diem might have failed to establish a stable relationship, but he did not hold back from expressing the immense love he felt and would “Always” feel for his late lover.
He shared a heart-wrenching message for Diem on his social media accounts, as per the reports of MTV, “We’ve been thru so much over the years. Thru the ups and downs, we somehow managed to keep our promise. We never gave up on each other. Our plan to be together forever hasn’t changed… it’s just going to take a little longer now. And I’m going to hold onto this ring for you till we are together again. So don’t worry mama, I’m not afraid. I know you will always be with me to give me your strength. You are The Love of My Life. My reason to be a better man. I Love You Always and Forever.”
CT still remembers Diem in his thoughts but has moved on in life. The reality star deleted all their pictures from his Instagram and married Lilianet Solares in Florida in 2018, whom he had known for three to four years. They welcomed their son, Chris Jr., in 2017, but parenthood could not keep the two together. The two have parted ways, and CT appeared on MTV’s ‘Double Agents’ as a single man.
Read More: Are Kaycee and Tayler From The Challenge Still Together?
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