A test of patience and practice, ‘Survivor’ follows the lives of contestants on a remote island as they compete in a series of grueling competitions to emerge as the ultimate winner. Season 33 of the CBS reality television show features twenty contestants who are divided into two tribes depending on their ages. Originally titled ‘Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X,’ the show features the ingenuine qualities of contestants as they try to win against nature and the environmental impediments in their path.
Amidst the flanking flora, water and lack of amenities, Jessica “Figgy” Figueroa and Taylor Lee Stocker found affinity toward each other. While they decided to keep their romance on the show a secret, many still wonder if they’ve managed to make it off cameras.
Figgy and Taylor’s Survivor Journey
At 23, Figgy was a bartender and decided to enter the competition to make memories of a lifetime and solidify her name in ‘Survivor’ history. Similarly, the 24-year-old, Idaho-based Taylor also wanted to win the $1 million cash prize. While their aspirations to walk away with the trophy had been strong, their attraction to each other was much more potent. Even before they realized it, Figgy and Taylor grew closer and cozied up to each other without letting their fellow castmates know. So, the duo pretended to be friends and competitors in front of everyone else. However, they secretly began learning more about one another.
Smitten with each other, Taylor and Figgy failed to hide their feelings for long, and their relationship was soon revealed to others. From holding hands constantly to cuddling, Figgy and Taylor even talked about the possibility of marriage on the show. While their young love had allowed them to imagine a future together, the competition became more severe. After Figgy was voted out of the island on day 18, she became privy to a number of secrets concerning Taylor that ultimately led the duo to face the music on the reunion episode.
Figgy and Taylor Have Broken Up
No, Figgy and Taylor are no longer together. While their whirlwind romance on the show depicted their closeness to one another, Taylor’s past had been a major variable in their relationship. Long after the cameras stopped rolling, Figgy realized that Taylor’s promises of forever weren’t entirely true. Before coming on the show, Taylor had already been with someone. Not just this, Taylor’s girlfriend was also pregnant, a fact he had to conceal from Figgy and everyone else on the show. However, when he walked out of the show on Day 25, he knew he had to come clean.
After the cameras stopped rolling, Figgy became privy to Taylor’s secrets and found out that he was already with someone and was aware of his girlfriend’s pregnancy when he commenced a showmance with Figgy. In an interview with Sirius XM, Figgy talked about how Taylor had confessed about his girlfriend back home after they stopped filming. However, Figgy was still devoted to Taylor and thought they could work things out. While she had even volunteered to move to Washington with him, the reality remained different.
As such, after their brief romance on the show, Figgy and Taylor never got together again. However, this does not mean that the duo are not excelling in their personal life. After leaving the show, Taylor became a committed partner to his girlfriend, who later had their son. In 2018, Taylor tied the knot with his girlfriend Kate, and the duo now have three children together. The family is still based in Idaho, where Taylor regularly takes to exploring nature.
On the other hand, Figgy has also created a life for herself outside the show. After leaving Fiji, the reality star decided to become an educator. She is now a middle school science teacher and teaches the sixth grade. In addition to teaching, she is also a sports enthusiast and regularly takes to Twitter to partake in current news updates about basketball. Figgy has also found the love of her life and regularly travels with her partner. So, even though Figgy and Taylor’s story was cut short after the show, the two have still emerged as successful individuals. Naturally, we continue to hope that they achieve more success professionally and personally.
Read More: Are Frannie and Matt From Survivor Still Together?
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