Netflix’s ‘Home Team,’ directed by Charles and Daniel Kinnane, is a sports comedy film based on the life of revered football coach Sean Payton. In the movie, after Sean (Kevin James) is suspended from coaching in the NFL for cheating, he decides to coach his son’s middle school football team. The underdog story highlights Sean’s attempts to redeem himself in front of the world, but more importantly, in the eyes of his son, Connor. As Sean navigates the world of high school football, viewers are treated to the rivalry between the Warriors and Porcupines. If you are wondering whether the teams are based on any real-life middle school football teams, we’ve got you covered! Here’s everything we know in that regard! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Who Are the Warriors and Porcupines in Home Team?
The Warriors are a middle school football team coached by Troy Lambert (Taylor Lautner). Sean Payton’s son, Connor Payton, plays for the team. Despite having a couple of talented players, the Warriors are the worst team in the North Central Texas Championship. When Sean takes over the duties of the team’s offensive coordinator, the Warriors have failed to win a single game all season.
With Sean’s guidance, the team’s form turns around, and they win six games in a row until facing their cross-town rivals, the Porcupines. The Porcupines have been the champions for four straight years and are far superior in skill and talent compared to the warriors. The Porcupines beat the Warriors but the two teams once again face-off in the championship final.
Are Warriors and Porcupines Based on Real Football Teams?
The Warriors are based on a real-life middle school football team. The team is a fictionalized version of the Liberty Christian Warriors football team from Argyle, Texas. The Warriors are a part of the Liberty Christian School, a private school located at 1301 South Highway 377 in Argyle. The name Warriors is used by all the sports teams of the school.
— Liberty Athletics (@NavyOut) November 6, 2021
Brennan Hardy coached the Liberty Christian Warriors football team during the 2012 season. In that season, Sean Payton joined the Liberty Christian Warriors as their offensive coordinator. However, unlike the film’s depiction, the Liberty Christian Warriors weren’t outright awful before Sean joined them. They won the 2012 season’s opening game by a scoreline of 30-0.
On the other hand, the Porcupines appear to be based on the Springtown Porcupines, the middle school football team of Springtown High School. The school is located at 500 Pojo Drive in Springtown, Texas. Due to the close proximity between Liberty Christian School and Springtown High School, it makes sense for the movie to depict them as rivals from the same locale.
Regional Champions! On to State Semifinals!#GoPorcupines
— SpringtownHighSchool (@SHSPorcupines) December 7, 2019
While the Warriors retain their blue and white color for team jerseys, the Porcupines use a magenta/maroon jersey. In reality, the Springtown Porcupines usually use orange and black as their primary outfit colors. Both middle school football teams have developed a strong reputation for themselves in the Texas region. However, the film’s version of the Warriors and Porcupines are polar opposites and help feed its underdog narrative.
Read More: Where Was Home Team Filmed?
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