Carol Sargent: Where is Aaron Rodgers’ Tahoe Grandma Now?

With Netflix’s ‘Aaron Rodgers: Enigma’ being a documentary series that shines a light upon not just the titular athlete’s career but also his personal life, we get an original unlike any other. That’s because it gives us a first-hand account of not just the hardships he has faced throughout life but also how he has learned to deal with them through alternative practices and with the help of loved ones. Amongst the latter are actually his friends and a woman he often refers to as his Tahoe Grandma, a long-time fan turned friend of the starting quarterback – Carol Sargent.

Carol Sargent and Aaron Rodgers Have a Truly Lasting Friendship

Although a Bears fan through and through, Carol had grown to admire Aaron from the moment he first started playing, owing to how precise he was in his determination and skills. Therefore, when she saw him sitting alone in a golf cart one day during the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship in Lake Tahoe, California, she approached him to let him know she was a big fan. Little did either of them know this would turn into a full-fledged conversation between them, which then turned into an acquaintanceship and then eventually a close friendship.

According to Aaron’s own accounts, there were times when Carol would be by his side throughout the four days of the championship, during which they would talk and get to know one another better. This actually went to such an extent that their bond became very well-known, and he even began referring to her as his Tahoe Grandma, owing to how caring, honest, and kind-hearted she is. In other words, she has essentially been a guiding figure in his life for almost his entire career and has supported him through everything. There is genuine appreciation, respect, and love between them, which neither of them is too shy about admitting.

Carol Sargent is Leading Her Best Life These Days

While not much is known regarding Carol’s early life, upbringing, past personal experiences, or career, we do know she has been living her best possible life over the past few years. She is a Lake Tahoe, California native, yet she has been traveling across the world and undertaking new experiences since at least the late 2010s, indicating she is possibly happily retired. Whether it be the southern hemisphere or places within the US, she has actually been everywhere in the last six years – in fact, she was in New Zealand when the COVID-19 pandemic was just beginning to spread in March 2020, but she, fortunately, made it back home in time.

As per Carol’s own social media platforms, she loves to swim in shallow waters under smokey skies, owing to the sense of freedom it gives her, and she adores mountains too. It actually appears as if Australia as well as New Zealand are among her favorite places to visit because of all the different terrains and experiences they offer, varying depending on the cities or counties one chooses to visit. As for her travels within America, she has most recently chosen to explore the wondrous states of Utah, Vermont, and Maine. We should also mention it looks like she is currently in a happy, healthy relationship with a man named Dave, who seems to care about her just as much as she does him, if not more.

Read More: Jordan Rodgers: Where is Aaron Rodgers’ Brother Now?