Out of the multiple sub-genre of reality television shows, one that has been extremely popular revolves around the routine lives of a particularly interesting family. There are shows focusing on celebrity families for instance. Of late, another kind of reality series that has gained popularity includes one focusing on an extra-large family with a higher number of members than most people’s extended families. TLC’s ‘Counting On‘ is one such show, but also a spin-off of a series of that kind.
To be clearer, ‘Counting on’ is a spin-off of ’19 Kids and Counting.’ As one might have guessed from the title, the latter focuses on a couple with nineteen children: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. On the other hand, ‘Counting On’ revolves around the oldest children of Jim Bob and Michelle as they (the children) start their own families and the count goes on. The show began by focusing on Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald. However, its focus was soon expanded to include Joy-Anna Forsyth. Jinger getting married to Jeremy Vuolo was also depicted early on in the show.
TLC’s Counting On Filming Locations
Several viewers would have wondered where ‘Counting On’ has been filmed. Since the show focuses on the routine lives of its cast members, filming is mostly carried out in their house. Apart from that, when the cast members are depicted to be going out somewhere, filming is frequently carried out at the place that they go to too.
The Duggar family owns a lot of properties in Northwest Arkansas. Usually, they flip these properties by buying unsellable houses, renovating them, and then selling them for a higher price. For instance, a property was near a loud and busy highway. Jill Dillard stays in Lowell, Arkansas. She and her husband moved to the house when their family expanded. Apparently, they built their house from scratch.
The main family house, on the other hand, is a 7,000-square-foot property in Tontitown, Arkansas. Apparently, Jana Duggar still lives in that house as she hasn’t been married yet and the Duggars have strict rules about moving out. Her Instagram handle confirms that.
Apart from that, filming for ‘Counting On’ was also carried out in The Ravington in Centerton, Arkansas. Here, filming was carried out for a couple of episodes.
Los Angeles
Filming for ‘Counting On’ has also been carried out in Los Angeles, California since this is where Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo. Jinger was the first Duggar kid to move out of Arkansas after marriage when she shifted to Laredo, Texas. However, the couple has now decided to stay in Los Angeles. According to local reports, they stay in a house in the San Fernando Valley. Their 2,000 square-feet house apparently costs the couple $4,000 a month to rent.
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