Netflix’s Dead Boy Detectives: Exploring All Shooting Locations

Created by Steve Yockey, ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ centers on dead teens Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine, who forgo the afterlife in favor of running a P.I. agency that helps solve supernatural mysteries. Based on DC Comics characters created by Neil Gaiman, the Netflix detective series puts on a macabre spin on the teen detective genre with its darkly comedic narrative. Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine’s niche career path brings them plenty of business, from helping ghosts resolve unfinished business to solving supernatural crimes. Stakes are raised as the two face off against powerful entities while avoiding going to hell, where Edwin has had a brief stint.

They are joined by an eccentric cast of characters, among whom psychics Crystal Palace and Niko lend aid in their adventures. The show maintains a characteristic visual tone, contrasting grim backdrops with neon glows and effects. The cinematography mirrors the narrative undertones, as the haunting stories of each episode are juxtaposed with zany humor and over-the-top action scenes. ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ immerses us in its unique backdrops, from breathtaking treks through enchanting forests to mindbending sequences in otherworldly settings.

Where is Dead Boy Detectives Filmed?

Filming for ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ takes place across sites in British Columbia. Principal photography for the show began on November 7, 2022, and was wrapped up for the first season by April 7, 2023. The pilot episode was reportedly shot between December 2021 and January 2022. From their statements, we can ascertain that the cast and crew really enjoy their times on set, appreciating the monumental effort of everyone involved.

“What an incredible gift of a show that just kept on giving with every new script and every new director,” wrote cinematographer Marc Laliberté in the caption of an image he shared on social media. “It took a village to bring another of Neil Gaiman’s incredible worlds to the small screen. So thankful to have been a part of its gestation.” The show employs studio soundstages and constructed sets, as well as on-location shooting, to bring its world to life.

Greater Vancouver, British Columbia

The majority of sequences for ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ are captured in Vancouver and its surrounding cities, which comprise the Greater Vancouver region. Filming for the first season began in Langley, and the team was spotted at 20146 100a Avenue. The site is known for leasing out equipment and has the Kung Fu Movie studio opposite it at 20175 100a Avenue. Shooting for the season was also carried out along the Fraser River, with Charles and Crystal walking on a bridge with the city’s skyline visible in the background.

Vancouver and its surrounding areas are home to a diverse range of forested landscapes, which are used as a backdrop for several sequences in the series. Some of the episodes featuring leafy backgrounds are shot in the scenic outdoor regional and provincial parks with lush temperate rainforests as well as majestic fir trees.

Shirley, British Columbia

The production team ventures to the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island, setting up shop in the small town of Shirley. A tranquil coastal community known for its stunning natural beauty, the rocky shores of Shirley can be spotted in the background of the series, adding dramatic tension to the sequences. Shirley boasts a rich history dating back to the days of early European settlement. One of the relics of this time is the Sheringham Point Lighthouse, which can be seen in one of the detectives’ investigations.

Situated at 1 Sheringham Point Road, the beacon was built in 1912 following a ship’s fatal crash along the coast. The monument is maintained by the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society and is accessible to the general public. Trekking to the site, one can take in its awe-inspiring views, often featuring marine life, such as seals swimming nearby.

Discovery Islands, British Columbia

To capture natural landscapes of forests and seafronts, the production team travels to the Discovery Islands off the coast of Victoria. The Discovery Islands boast stunning natural scenery, including dense forests, rocky shorelines, and tranquil fjords. Most of the otherworldly natural backdrops seen in the show are captured on the islands.

Despite their proximity to Vancouver Island, the Discovery Islands retain a sense of remoteness and isolation, making them an ideal filming location for projects that require a rugged and untamed wilderness setting. Dotted with pristine lakes, cascading waterfalls, and secluded coves, the region is a filmmakers’ paradise that has largely remained untouched by both film crews and residents. The population on the island is composed of permanent residents, seasonal visitors, and indigenous First Nations communities.

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