Netflix’s Finnish crime-drama, ‘Deadwind’ returns with a second season that packs a lot of mystery and tension. Sofia’s family disintegrates even more when she discovers that her step-daughter, Henna, has fallen into bad habits and her son, Emil, has turned into a violent bully. She also feels some tension in her relationship with Nurmi, whose blast from the past comes back with a shocking revelation, one that can change his life.
Apart from the personal arcs of Sofia and Nurmi, the season also increases the body count this time around, taking unexpected turns and infusing itself with more intrigue as the episodes pass by. By the end, not only does the mystery of the season come to an end, but the groundwork for the next season is also laid. If you haven’t caught up with the show yet, head over to Netflix. SPOILERS AHEAD
Plot Summary
The story of the second season begins with the dead body of a blindfolded man who is frozen to death. Another body is found hanging by a bridge, blindfolded similarly. Sofia and Nurmi connect them through their tattoos, which turns them towards a ship called Meelika. Apart from this, both of the victims had also been working on the Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel project, which led them to the shifting political sands of Helsinki.
Who is the killer in Deadwind Season 2?
The investigation picks pace after Tapio and his daughter Kerttu are killed in their home. Tapio’s final words are “JIM”, which leads Sofia to Jimi, a young man who used to work on Meelika and had died on it under suspicious circumstances. It also turns out that Tapio was the one to sign his death certificate. The suspicion that the four killings are related becomes more evident when the doctor who had performed the autopsy on Jimi’s body is also killed. The next target turns out to be Mayor Sara Tulisuo, who was present on the ship the same day Jimi died and had left the scene in a hurry.
All the clues lead Sofia and Nurmi to Jimi, and they discover that he was abandoned as a child by his mother, Mari Routa. It turns out that she has returned to exact revenge on everyone who had buried the death of her son. She had given up Jimi because, back then, she was in no position to raise a child, but she had hoped to reunite with him someday. Their reunion was cut short when he died, and the officials dismissed the case. In her revenge, Routa tracked down Jann Lanest and Margud Magi, the drug dealers who most probably killed Jimi because he didn’t want to work for them anymore. Then she caught up with the police officer, the doctor, and the politician who didn’t do anything about it.
The Ending
In the end, it turns out that Routa went on a meaningless killing spree. While investigating Jimi’s death, it is revealed that his foster father had mistaken him for someone else. When he was brought in to identify the body, he was too heartbroken to think clearly and said it was Jimi without looking at the face. It was when Sofia showed him Jimi’s pictures that he realized that his son had a tattoo on his chest, while the body he had seen didn’t. To confirm everything, the dead body is exhumed and this time, the father accepts that he had, in fact, made a mistake. The body was some random person who had drowned in the sea and happened to end up near the ship. Eventually, Jimi and his father are reunited when Jimi’s girlfriend reveals that he had been hiding all along.
When Routa attacks Sofia, the truth is laid bare. Routa realizes that she killed all these people needlessly. She is overcome with guilt and kills herself, but not before telling Sofia that she did not kill Tapio and Kerttu. Eventually, Sofia discovers that it was someone in her unit who had killed her superior. Nurmi finds it out the hard way and is nearly killed, but Sofia arrives just in time to save him.
Things also take a dark turn for Henna. Throughout the season, we find her falling farther into the world of drug dealing. She chances upon the stash of Jann Lanest and steals it. She thinks about selling it but has no idea how to proceed. She employs Jere’s help, but he suddenly disappears with all of it and she is hounded by the man to whom the drugs had belonged in the first place.
He demands her to pay for it, but when he discovers that she can’t, he takes her to Estonia, where she has to work a deal for him. She follows him out of fear, thinking that he is from the mafia. She discovers that he is not that dangerous and tries to run away. When he pulls a gun at her, she attacks back and stabs him to death. She throws his body into the sea and confesses everything to Sofia, who decides to keep it quiet. However, Nurmi comes to know the truth from his friends in the drug division, who had been following Henna for a long time. Unlike Sofia, he decides to do something about it. In the last scene, we see him arresting Henna while Sofia watches helplessly from a distance.
Before wrapping up, the season gives us another twist that could possibly lead to the next season. After suffering betrayal from her trusted people, Sara Tulisuo decides to create her own party. She succeeds in bringing people on board, but Henri, who had been arrested for making a deal with Kaartamo Nordic in exchange for riches, threatens to let out Sara’s secret. He finds out that the day Jimi was supposedly killed, Sara was onboard the same ship. She made a hasty departure from there, which she attributed to her father’s ill health. In reality, it was because of her daughter and Sara didn’t want the secret to come out, as it would tarnish her reputation and possibly end her political career. To stop Henri from leaking it to the press, she pushes him into the water and watches him drown.
Read More: Review: Deadwind Season 2 Is Stronger and More Engaging
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