Based on the 2020 namesake novel by Ann Napolitano, ‘Dear Edward’ revolves around the people who have lost their loved ones in a plane crash. At the center of the narrative is the sole survivor of the crash, the eponymous young boy. In episode 6, titled ‘Truth,’ Edward (Colin O’Brien) learns how Mahira (Jenna Qureshi) knew Jordan. After learning that Linda (Amy Forsyth) is struggling with her circumstances, Lacey (Taylor Schilling) offers her the children’s stuff she has accumulated at home. Unsure how to deal with the fact that they slept together, Steve (Ivan Shaw) and Amanda (Brittany S. Hall) explode on each other during lunch together with Steve’s fiancée. This episode also offers a glimpse into Sam’s story. Here is everything you need to know about the ending of ‘Dear Edward’ episode 6. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Dear Edward Episode 6 Recap
As Edward and Mahira meet at their designated spot, Shay becomes jealous as Edward’s attention seems to be focused on the other girl. Edward discovers that Shay has been right: Mahira was indeed Jordan’s girlfriend. When Shay later points out how Edward ignored her while he was with Mahira, he earnestly replies that Mahira is now the most important person in his life because of her connection with his brother.
Elsewhere in New York, Adriana’s (Anna Uzele) presence in Becks’ life makes things complicated for everyone involved. Ever the pragmatic, Kojo (Idris DeBrand) points out to Adriana that she wouldn’t always be there for his motherless niece. Adriana still shows up to see Becks perform even though she has other places to be. That evening, Kojo and Adriana make love for the first time.
After sleeping together, Steve and Amanda don’t know how to behave around each other. Amanda visits the home Steve shares with his fiancee. As the three of them eat together, the conversation suddenly turns antagonistic after Amanda blames Steve for his brother’s relapse.
Dee Dee (Connie Britton) is yet to tell Zoe about their financial problems. A part of her wants Zoe to maintain her tinted-glass view of the world, though she urges the younger woman multiple times in this episode not to quit school.
At the start of the episode, Dee Dee finds Steve sleeping on the church floor after arriving at the grief group meeting. She wakes him up and discovers that he has a black eye. After Steve throws up on her jacket, he reveals he was in a bar fight. Later, he shows up at Dee Dee’s home with the jacket, now clean, and suddenly admits that he cut off his brother from his life. He also tells Dee Dee that he had sex with Amanda. As the episode ends, he starts helping her with her finances.
Dee Dee and Steve aren’t the only people to connect platonically outside the grief group. After learning about the problems Linda is facing, Lacey extends a helping hand without consulting her husband, which later becomes part of her argument with John after he returns from Colorado.
John claims that he had a powerful experience in Colorado. Initially, Lacey is dismissive about this until John mentions that he also loved Jane, Jordan, and Edward’s father and is grieving them as well.
Dear Edward Episode 6 Ending: Why Does Linda Ask Edward about Her Fiancé?
Like the others who have lost their loved ones in the crash, Linda did get to say goodbye to her fiancé Gary, and now her life has turned upside down. She knows that she will lose her job soon, which will inevitably make her unable to pay her rent. Linda is initially uncomfortable about accepting help from Lacey, but the latter assures her that it’s fine.
Linda keeps calling Edward the “Miracle Boy,” because he is the sole survivor of a crash that has killed everyone else. Linda isn’t the one who came up with that name. The press likely did, ignoring that the so-called miracle took hundreds of people’s lives, including Edward’s parents and brothers. Edward doesn’t necessarily feel that his survival was miraculous. If anything, he feels incredibly lonely without his family. His young age seems to have shielded him from the enormity of his loss, but not completely.
When Linda asks Edward if he saw Gary on the plane, it makes him reach back into his memories of the flight before everything went horribly wrong and he realizes that he did see Gary. He tells Linda about what Gary was wearing that day, and how happy and kind he looked, giving her the closure she needs. It also offers Edward to revisit the last moments he shared with his family, which prompts him to call Mahira and speak to her about Jordan.
Who is Sam?
Sam is one of the attendees of the grief group. He has been part of it since the beginning, but this is the first time the narrative focuses on him. Sam has lost Ben, his childhood friend, who he was romantically interested in. He never told Ben how he felt and is now in a relationship with a woman. After Ben died in the crash, Sam has begun to help his grandmother.
In this episode, Sam encounters Vernon, who also knew Ben. Sam feels drawn to Vernon as the episode progresses, though this brief love story doesn’t end without developing into anything substantial for now.
Read More: Is Jordan Dead in Dear Edward? Is Eddie Dreaming Him Alive?
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