The thriller series ‘The Tourist’ revolves around the attempts of Elliot Stanley, an amnesiac who completely loses his memory due to a car rollover, to find out his identity. As Elliot battles unknown enemies and perplexing predicaments, probationary constable Helen Chambers joins him in his expedition to unravel the mystery surrounding him.
Elliot and Helen strike a connection with each other and their acquaintance grows to become more than a friendship. However, Lena Pascal’s arrival at Burnt Ridge and her revelations astound Helen, who confronts a life-altering choice regarding Elliot. If you are wondering whether they will begin a life together, let us help you! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Do Elliot and Helen End Up Together?
When Elliot wakes up in a Cooper Springs hospital, Helen visits him to find out any information about him. Even though she returns from the hospital without knowing anything about Elliot, the visit paves the way for their eventual bonding. Helen believes that Elliot needs her help and she even jeopardizes her relationship with Ethan to check on Elliot. Even after encountering a harrowing homicidal maniac in Billy, Helen eventually decides to stay with Elliot rather than leave him helpless. The compassion and understanding Helen offer to him gradually becomes the foundation of their companionship.
Irrespective of Elliot’s vicious behavior towards her, Helen insists that there is a good person in him. Even when he leaves her in the middle of the outback, Helen’s belief that Elliot is a good man deep inside doesn’t waver. Proving her belief right, Elliot comes back for her. The comfort and worthiness Helen feel while sharing her time with Elliot make her realize how incompatible and terrible her fiancé is. She breaks off her engagement with Ethan and joins Elliot when he is in distress. Finally, they acknowledge their feelings for one another when Elliot is in prison.
Lena’s arrival at Burnt Ridge changes the equations between Elliot and Helen. When she comes to know about Lena’s revelation concerning Elliot’s past, Helen confronts him and makes it clear that she cannot accept what he had done in his past. A helpless Elliot watches Helen walking away from him and his feelings. However, Elliot and Helen’s romantic saga doesn’t end with just painful goodbyes. After leaving the hospital, Helen ponders over her decision to leave Elliot in the company of Freddie. Upon realizing the trouble Helen encounters, Freddie asks her to reconsider her decision.
As Freddie emphasizes, Helen realizes that Elliot deserves a second chance at life and her even if he was a terrible human being in the past. As she always believed, Helen thinks about how good a person Elliot is and understands that the crimes he had committed in the past don’t define him as a person. Helen remembers how Elliot saved her from death and guided her when she went through a complicated relationship with Ethan. She lets her feelings for Elliot get the better of her and sends him a burrito emoji, which symbolizes happiness for the latter.
Helen’s message to Elliot shows that the police officer is ready to forgive the latter and give their potential relationship a chance. However, Elliot receives Ellen’s message only after he swallowed a handful of pills to die. Since Elliot isn’t dead yet, Helen’s message may motivate him to reach out for help and come back to life, most likely to begin his journey with Helen as her partner. As his “only friend in the whole wide world” returns to his life, Elliot cannot just die.
If Elliot survives death, his romantic relationship with Helen may turn out to be a real possibility. If Elliot dies, at least he will die with the happiness that emanates from Helen’s burrito emoji. Either way, we can expect the possible second season of the show to answer whether Elliot and Helen finally end up together. In light of Helen’s emoji and Elliot’s revived feelings for her, we can expect the latter to recover from his suicide attempt and unite with Helen for an appealing life ahead together.
Read More: Is Kosta Dead or Alive in The Tourist?
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