Doc Broadus: How Did George Foreman’s Coach Die?

Big George Foreman’ is a biographical sports drama movie that focuses on the life of the legendary boxer George Foreman. The film shows us the ups and downs in his life and how he perseveres through the time when everything seems hopeless. His success story is an inspiration, but it also shows us how important it is to have the support of people who believe in you. Now for Foreman, one of those people is Charles “Doc” Broadus, who turns his life around by introducing him to boxing.

In the movie, Broadus finds Foreman when the latter is still a teenager and has so much rage inside him that he keeps getting into fights. Instead of pushing him away into a life of insignificance, Broadus recognizes Foreman’s talent for boxing and nudges him in the right direction to become one of the greatest boxers ever. He helps Foreman twice to realize his potential and win the heavyweight championship. If you want to know more about Broadus, we’ve got you covered.

Doc Broadus Likely Died of Natural Causes

Charles “Doc” Broadus died on October 14, 2008. He was in his late 80s, and while the reason behind his death is not confirmed, he probably died due to natural causes. Broadus has left a legacy as one of the finest boxing trainers, having worked with Foreman, Sugar Ray Leonard, Leon Spinks, and Michael Spinks. Reportedly, he got the nickname “Doc” when one of his fighters got a blister on his thumb, and he used a scalpel to cut it open. Interestingly, he didn’t have any formal medical training.

Born in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1919, Broadus was introduced to boxing at a young age. When he was eight, his father reportedly sent him to a corner gym, where he learned how to fight his bullies. Broadus grew up to become a professional fighter and built a 19-1 record as a welterweight. After his first loss, he gave up fighting and became a coach. He credited people like Chappy Blackmon and Eddie Futch as his inspirations, from whom he learned a lot.

Broadus served in the war and was an Air Force Sergeant. In 1965, he ran a gym at the Pleasanton complex while working in the Job Corps. He was called in one night when Foreman was reported for “trying to beat up everybody.” The latter was 16 then and, according to Broadus, had “taken the door off the hinges, beat up on a kid, and thrown him out the window.”

“He was a big guy, but he didn’t seem to care about anything,” Broadus said. “He was always getting into trouble, and he was either going to get sent to the penitentiary, which was right across the street, or home (to Texas). I said to him, ‘Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?’” the boxing coach revealed. Following Foreman’s outburst, the Job Corps counselors wanted to send him to prison, but Broadus saw his potential and turned him towards boxing instead. The rest is history.

Broadus spent the rest of his life as a boxing trainer at the Las Vegas Boxing Center. He also founded a non-profit organization called Doc Broadus Sports & Entertainment, which aimed to “improve the quality of life for local children by giving them the opportunity to compete and perform.” He dedicated his life to using “the sport as an avenue for keeping kids out of trouble.” For his contributions to the sport, Broadus was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 1998. In 2005, a documentary about his life and achievements was directed by Nathan Hill, titled ‘The Godfather of Boxing: Legend of Doc Broadus.’

“My primary purpose at this age is to get kids off the street. I do my best to make them feel wanted — which a lot of them aren’t, for whatever reason. I get them to set goals for themselves. I help them try to make something of themselves. When they come through the door, they belong to me,” Broadus said. He revealed that being involved in boxing allowed him to make a difference in young people’s lives. The legendary boxing coach considered it his calling and stuck with it till the end.

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