A spin-off of ‘The Walking Dead,’ AMC’s post-apocalyptic series ‘The Walking Dead: Dead City’ revolves around Maggie Greene, who seeks the help of Negan, the murderer of her husband Glenn, to find and retrieve her son Hershel. Upon meeting Negan, Maggie explains that her son was kidnapped by “The Croat,” who was a former ally and underling of Negan. Together, they set out to rescue Hershel from the vicious Croatian, who has held him captive. According to Negan, The Croat is a ruthless individual, which raises concerns over Hershel’s fate. Does Maggie lose her son for good after losing her husband? Let us share our take on the same! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Hershel’s Fate Hangs in the Balance
Maggie loses Hershel after The Croat and his group ended up in Hilltop to steal the community’s grains. The men of the Croatian overpowered and outnumbered Maggie and her people to loot the survivor community. But the man wasn’t ready to end the expedition with just grains. He kidnapped Hershel and asked Maggie to hand over more grain to him if she wanted her son back. Through the whistle of The Croat, Maggie figured out that the man knew Negan, which leads her to the latter. Negan confirms that The Croat is his former ally and adds that the latter doesn’t have any reason to listen to him for Maggie to get her son back.
The premiere episode of the show ends with The Croat talking to Hershel. Rather than trying to learn more about Hilltop or his community’s grain sources, the Croatian talks to the boy about Negan. He knows that Negan had been living with Maggie and her allies for a while. The Croat’s words concerning Negan indicate that the former’s real target can be the latter rather than Hershel. Upon knowing about Maggie and Negan’s newly formed companionship, The Croat must have figured out that kidnapping Hershel would lead Maggie to Negan, who owes immensely to the Hilltop leader. The Croat may know that Negan will not be able to say no to Maggie and he might have even whistled Negan’s tune to lead her to the former leader of The Saviors.
If that’s the case, The Croat may not care about hurting Hershel. He may only want the boy until his mother Maggie lures Negan to his den without knowing that the latter is likely the real target of the Croatian. Negan and The Croat may have some unfinished business to settle and Hershel must have gotten stuck in between the predicament. Once The Croat succeeds in laying his hands on Negan, he may release Hershel to Maggie and ask her to leave Negan behind and vanish from the island, Manhattan, he rules. Since Maggie is expected to prioritize Hershel’s safety, Maggie may take him to Hilltop or another secure place before trying to help Negan.
Having said that, it isn’t improbable that Hershel will die in the series. If The Croat’s real target is Negan, he may kill Hershel in the name of the former leader of The Saviors. If Maggie comes to know that her son got killed in the name of Negan, the same person who ruthlessly killed Glenn, she may turn against her new “friend.” The Croat may cherish watching the battle between Maggie and Negan rather than getting involved in the same for a while. If Negan is really The Croat’s target and the former comes to know about the same, he may try to safeguard Hershel even by putting his life on the line.
Hurting Maggie by killing Glenn is one thing Negan regrets doing severely and he may not want to be the reason behind her suffering once again. Therefore, we can expect Negan to try his best to save Hershel from both The Croat and death.
Read More: Where is Negan’s Wife Annie? Is Medina Senghore in The Walking Dead: Dead City?
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