Developed by Ronald D. Moore based on the eponymous novel series by Diana Gabaldon, Starz’s historical series ‘Outlander’ centers around Claire, who travel back in time from the 20th century to the 18th century to fall in love with a Highland warrior named Jamie Fraser. Jamie and Claire get entangled in the political turmoil between the Scots and the English, surviving several life-threatening instances.
Jamie’s valorous efforts to protect his wife and compatriots lead him to encounter death multiple times, only to survive alive every time. In the sixth season, Jamie does the same for the protection of Fraser’s Ridge, making one worry about his fate. So, does Jamie die in the sixth season? Let’s dive into the possibilities! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Does Jamie Die?
In the fifth season of the show, Jamie confronts Lionel Brown and his men for abducting his wife Claire. Upon witnessing the harm they have done to his wife, Jamie’s fury breaks the barriers to rain as wrath on Brown and his men. Upon killing everyone, Jamie takes the body of Lionel to the latter’s brother Richard. Even though Richard doesn’t distress over his brother’s death, he makes it clear to Jamie that he will not hesitate to kill him when the time comes. In the sixth season, Richard and his Committee of Safety hang above Jamie as dark clouds of impending death.
As Richard Brown awaits an opportunity to fulfill his wish to see the death of Jamie, the latter’s life is indeed hanging by a thread. His responsibilities as the new Indian agent and the smoke of the forthcoming American Revolution also indicate that he may get forced to unleash his sword and fill his gun to save his life. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Jamie is going to die in the sixth round of the show. Since Jamie’s death doesn’t happen in the source novel of the season, ‘A Breath of Snow and Ashes,’ avid admirers of the character can expect to see Jamie’s vigor in the upcoming episodes.
Even if Jamie manages to stay alive, his yearning to live a peaceful life with his wife, family, and other tenants may not get fulfilled at all. The Revolution is expected to test his loyalty towards the British Crown and the realization that he is on the wrong side of history may stir him to wage war against a few unforeseen foes. In an interview given in March 2022, Sam Heughan, who portrays Jamie, revealed that Fraser’s Ridge will see its degeneration. In a battle to save his and his loved ones’ lives, Jamie may need to sacrifice the settlement he has built.
If the sixth season is following the narrative of the source novel considerably, we can expect Jamie to focus on the tensions that brew within his settlement. The introduction of Thomas Christie and the influence of Protestant faith he brings to the Ridge may have severe consequences, especially harming the appeal of Jamie and his family. Although his admirable relationship with Claire is expected to be strong as usual, the latter’s PTSD may challenge both of them. As time moves towards the Revolution, Jamie may get emotionally conflicted gradually yet severely.
Although we may see Jamie alive and well by the end of the sixth season, the Scot may go through a horrifying time emotionally. With the seventh season of the show already announced, Jamie’s death must be the last thing the creative heads of the show will consider. Thus, we believe that Jamie will stay away from death in season 6 and dwell on the conflicts that shake his principles and settlement.
Read More: Shows Like Outlander
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