A sequel to the 2020 film ‘Extraction,’ Netflix’s action thriller film ‘Extraction 2’ revolves around Tyler Rake, who recovers from the near-death experience in the first film of the franchise. While his recovery progresses, Tyler is hired to rescue Ketevan, the sister of his ex-wife Mia, and her children from a prison in Georgia. Tyler rescues them by killing Ketevan’s husband but the latter’s brother Zurab tries to hunt down the black ops mercenary. The enthralling film progresses through the efforts of Tyler to protect Ketevan and her family from Zurab. The Sam Hargrave directorial is dedicated to the memory of Francis Newall. If you want to know who he was and how he died, let us share the answers!
Who Was Francis Newall?
Francis Newall was the father of Patrick Newall, who served as the producer of ‘Extraction 2’ and the executive producer of ‘Extraction.’ Francis was born in 1938 in Brooklyn and raised in an apartment near Ebbets Field with his mother Winifred, with whom he listened to the Brooklyn Dodgers on the radio. After attending Erasmus Hall High School, Francis joined the Air Force and was stationed in Scotland, the home country of his mother. He served as a security force specialist in the Force. He eventually met his love of life Patsy Kelly and together, they raised six children, who are Kathleen, John, Patrick, Christine, Peter, and Michael.
The Newall family was initially based in Marine Park but then moved to Breezy Point and New Jersey, seemingly ending up in New York eventually. In the 1960s and 1970s, Francis served as a fireman assigned to Ladder 111 in Stuyvesant Heights. Francis had to take an early retirement due to a back injury. He then attained a business degree from Pace University, New York City, New York, and started a real estate appraisal company which was initially based in his family basement. After his retirement, Francis utilized his time to travel with Patsy, watch Broadway shows, and cherish his time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He also served as a Eucharistic minister at Good Shepherd Parish, New York City.
In 1999, Francis lost his 34-year-old oldest son John. His son Patrick is also an executive producer of films such as ‘The Gray Man,’ ‘Cherry,’ ‘Mosul,’ ‘City of Lies,’ ‘The Old Man & The Gun,’ ‘Once Upon a Time in Venice,’ ‘Army of One,’ etc.
Francis Newall’s Cause of Death: Battling Parkinson’s Until the End
Francis Newall died on January 27, 2023, after battling Parkinson’s disease. “We lost our dad yesterday to a long fight against Parkinson’s disease… I hope I can be half the father he was… he taught us how to work, respect ourselves and others and to give when you can and to stand your ground when needed,” Patrick wrote after the death of his father. “He was a master storyteller with a wicked dry sense of humor and perfect timing… but most of all he was a wonderful father, husband, and grandfather to fourteen grandkids… you’ll be dearly missed Pop but now you’re up there with John… with profound love and respect,” he added.
Francis is survived by his wife Patricia, children Kathleen Rubenstein (Steven) Patrick Newall (Kathrine), Christine Stachel (Paul), Peter Newall (Adrian), Michael Newall (Jaclyn), and Sarah Fleming, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He is laid to rest in Holy Cross Cemetery, located at Tilden Avenue, in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York City.
Read More: Where Was Extraction 2 Filmed?
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