Are Fiona and Hunter Cross Based on Real People? What Happened to Them?

As a drama delving deep into the tale of Annabelle “Belle” Gibson, her lies about being a cancer survivor, and her career, Netflix’s ‘Apple Cider Vinegar’ is unlike any other. That’s because it underscores not just her lies but also the impact it had on others, especially those who were genuinely struggling with deadly ailments. Amongst them in the show were Fiona and her 8-year-old son Hunter Cross, whom Belle took advantage of to further her own following.

Fiona and Hunter Seem to be Inspired by Penne and Joshua Schwarz

While Hunter in the show is portrayed as an 8-year-old with an inoperable brain tumor who came across Belle and her son by pure chance, his reported real-life counterpart’s story is much different. Joshua was merely 5 when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, shortly following which the family had come across Belle online and even spoken to her briefly through her team. However, unlike as portrayed on the show, they had no idea that she had created a fundraiser using their family name, alleging that all proceeds would go to them for their medical expenses.

As time passed and the truth came to light that Belle had lied about not just her diagnosis but also her philanthropy, she went as far as to try and save face by alleging she had made charitable donations in cash. She said there was a cash flow problem in her company but that she had given the Schwarzs the money raised via the fundraiser in cash, but the family alleges she never did so. In fact, they claimed she never even once got in touch with them personally, let alone work with them to create the fundraiser. They also never received the homecooked meals Belle had had her friend Chanelle make, claiming she would send it to them.

Penne and Joshua Schwarz Had Some Very Tough Years

Penne still remembers the dreadful day in early 2013 when her young boy was diagnosed with brain cancer, which the doctor said was not only rare but also untreatable. The young kid was given just 4 months to live, but they decided they would fight fate and everything that came in between to give him the best and longest life possible. So, they went to see specialists, looked into trials, tried alternative therapies, and much more, all the while ensuring to shower him with love, affection, and care.

Penne even went as far as to write e-mails to Ellen DeGeneres, thinking she was famous enough to know a lot of people, so maybe one of them might help somehow. Furthermore, she contacted a celebrity gangster upon hearing he was friends with a world-famous neurosurgeon who could possibly operate and work a miracle on her son. But alas, nothing panned out in the way they hoped, and the Belle Gibson controversy further brought on more stress for them. It gave Joshua’s story traction, but it hurt them more.

Since Joshua’s Passing, His Family Has Been Doing Their Best to Keep His Memories Alive

Sadly, despite their best efforts, Joshua passed away at the tender age of 8. According to reports, he suffered a brain bleed on the evening of January 20, 2017, and passed away a day later. According to the website created by his family, his sister made it clear he died after leading a good, happy life surrounded by loved ones. She said, “He was even dancing 15 minutes before it happened … he passed quietly surrounded by an abundance of love and light.” Since then, his sister Jade, mother Penne, and father Wolfgang appear to be doing all they can to move on, all the while keeping his memories alive in their heart. They also since seem determined to offer support to families who are going through what they once experienced.

Read More: Apple Cider Vinegar: Is Nathan Based on Belle Gibson’s Ex-Boyfriend?