In its fourth season, which aired in 2013, ‘The Great British Bake Off’ maintained its delightful combination of baking magic and friendly competition. Once again, the show was hosted by the beloved duo of Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins, while the expert judges Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned to critique the contestants’ creations. This season saw another batch of 13 talented home bakers taking on a diverse array of challenges that tested their baking skills to the limit. Ultimately, it was Frances Quinn who emerged as the winner with her creative and innovative approach to baking. Her ability to blend artistry with taste won over the judges and viewers alike.
Frances Quinn’s The Great British Bake Off Journey
Born and raised in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, Frances developed a passion for everything creative from a young age. While she indeed possessed a natural talent for baking, her path initially led her to study Textile Design at Nottingham Trent University. After her academic pursuits, she ventured into the world of design, working for various design companies, including a stint in Vancouver. However, Frances’ passion for both design and baking never waned. When she auditioned for ‘The Great British Bake Off,’ she was working as a children’s clothes designer, where her creative flair undoubtedly played a role.
Little did she know that this decision would mark a turning point in her life, propelling her into the spotlight and forever changing her trajectory as a talented baker and artist. In the opening episode of her journey on the season, she showcased her dedication and creativity by crafting a remarkable Giant Jam Sandwich and a whimsical Secret Squirrel Cake. These delightful creations not only established her as a serious and skilled participant but also hinted at the culinary artistry she would bring to the competition.
As the competition progressed, Frances continued to shine, securing her place on the show. In a subsequent episode, her signature dish, featuring a Peach Pie In the Sky and a Cherry Tree Baklava Filo Pie as her showstopper, not only wowed the judges but also earned her the coveted title of “star baker” of the episode. Her journey on the season was marked by a consistent display of her growing baking skills. In the sixth episode, her creative talents were on full display as she presented a Chai Tea Loaf and Hot Cross Brioches, alongside Rhubarb and Custard Kolaches.
These delightful and skillfully crafted bakes left a strong impression on the judges. As the competition intensified, Frances found herself in the finale, facing formidable competitors in the likes of Kimberley Wilson and the viewers’ favorite, Ruby Tandoh. In a climactic showdown, Frances delivered a Rainbow Picnic Pie and a Midsummer Night’s Dream Wedding Cake as her showstopper. This paved the way for her to have a shocking but well-deserved win in the fourth season of the show.
Frances Quinn is Working as a Designer Baker Now
Following her triumph on ‘The Great British Bake Off,’ Frances Quinn made a bold decision to put her design career on hold and fully immerse herself in pursuing her baking passions. Her talent and creativity soon earned her recognition in the culinary world, and she had the honor of baking for renowned personalities such as Clare Balding, Jools Holland, and Quentin Blake. One notable achievement was designing The Shard’s first-anniversary cake, a testament to her artistry in both design and baking. Frances continued to share her expertise and charm with a wider audience through various television appearances.
The baker’s appearances on shows like ‘The Alan Titchmarsh Show,’ along with guest spots on ‘This Morning’ and ‘Pointless Celebrities’ in 2015 and on BBC’s ‘Good Food’, allowed her to connect with more viewers and enthusiasts. Talking about how her life changed after she appeared on the fourth season of the show, Frances said, “I am still surprised when people spot me. It is still very odd. I am very tall. People always comment on that. It will totally change their lives, especially now it is so high profile.” In 2015, she authored the book ‘Quintessential Baking,’ which was released on October 27, 2015, and swiftly became a best-selling sensation.
Frances’ talent and creativity reached new heights when she was featured in Vogue Magazine and achieved a Guinness World Record in 2017 for creating the largest Jaffa cake in the world. This extraordinary accomplishment underscored her dedication to pushing the boundaries of baking and her commitment to creating memorable culinary experiences. Presently, Frances Quinn channels her passion for baking into a career as a designer baker, specializing in crafting custom-made cakes for private clients. On a personal front, Frances got married to Dafydd Goodwin in September 2023, and the two are looking forward to a long and blissful life.
Read More: John Whaite: Where is The Great British Bake Off Season 3 Winner Now?