From Season 3 Episode 4 Recap: There and Back Again

The ongoing mysteries in ‘From’ continue mounting higher and higher as the characters delve deeper into the secrets of their town in season 3. A dangerous homecoming awaits Tabitha after her round trip out and back into the nightmarish Township with Victor’s father, Henry. Naturally, the defacto sheriff, Boyd, ends up entangled in this complication and faces an impossible dilemma. As the precarious night unfolds, other townsfolk, including Fatima and Elgin, grapple with their own obstacles that threaten to spell out a menacing future. Meanwhile, Victor rummages through his past and uncovers something that might just bring him one step closer to the truth. SPOILERS AHEAD!

Chaos Ensues as Tabitha Returns Home

After Tabitha and Henry’s roadside accident, the woman finds herself waking in the back of an ambulance, which, interestingly enough, encounters a fallen tree in its pathway. Although the idea of returning to the Town might have been jarring to anyone else, to Tabitha—whose family is still stuck within—the instance only comes as a blessing. Nonetheless, once the ambulance enters the eerily empty streets of the Township, the medics instantly rush to help a passed-out woman on the road. Tabitha’s protests that the woman is really a monster luring its prey out only serve to guarantee her mania to the police officer with her. As a result, she ends up getting handcuffed to the back of the ambulance as the monsters begin to come out of the woods to claim their victims.

As this unfolds on the street, Jim and his family take easy notice of the new ambulance that rolls into town due to a peculiar phone call Ethan received earlier in the day. The caller—who continues to tauntingly pose as Thomas—warned Ethan that his mother would find herself in a risky predicament inside an ambulance. As such, Jim predictably throws caution to the wind for the chance of saving his wife. In the meantime, Acosta, the cop accompanying Tabitha, loses her cool after watching monsters tear into the medics outside. For the same reason, she begins shooting haphazardly at the creatures to save her own life. The sound of her gunshots pulls Jim and Boyd closer to the ambulance while also attracting the attention of the residents inside the Colony House.

Unfortunately, as Nicky peers out the window to see the commotion, she ends up catching one stray bullet to her stomach. Meanwhile, Jim, Boyd, and Randall rush to save Tabitha’s life as the monsters descend upon them. As luck would have it, the sheriff is missing his handcuffs and accompanying keys, complicating Tabitha’s escape from the vehicle. Yet, Randall comes through in the knick of time as he procures a toolkit from his bus. Even though the monsters—and a swarm of hallucinated locusts—surround him before he can reach Tabitha, Randall manages to toss the kit over to Boyd.

Consequently, Jim tries to free Tabitha from her confines while Boyd rushes to the ambulance’s driver seat. However, he makes another unpleasant discovery as he realizes the keys to the vehicle are missing. To his frustration, a monster behind him dangles the keys in front of him in an offer: their escape in exchange for Randall’s abandonment. Boyd knows they can’t survive longer as the monsters surround them. Thus, he takes the deal and drives himself, Henry, and the Matthews couple to safety. Finally, Tabitha returns to the Town, but the question of whether or not her trip outside has brought any new clues persists.

Nicky’s Fight For Survival at the Colony House

While the monsters wreak havoc on the road, Donna and other residents of the Colony House face their own complications. Acosta’s initial panic at being faced with a swarm of monsters results in a few stray bullets—one of which ends up hitting Nicky. The duty of her care would have otherwise fallen on Kristi, the Town’s resident doctor. However, as she remains in the woods with Kevin and his food-foraging party, the responsibility shifts to Marielle, the pediatric nurse. Even though she manages to rise to the occasion and retrieve the bullet from Nicky’s body, she fails to notice the signs of internal bleeding. As a result, Nicky dies soon afterward, coughing up her own blood.

The death hits hard—especially after a taxing few days. For the same reason, Boyd blows up at Acosta, the already spooked cop who hasn’t yet had the time to acclimate to the Town’s horrors. Likewise, Nicky’s passing also weighs heavy on Donna, who quietly breaks down in a private moment with Boyd. However, an unexpected turn of events follows as Fatima goes to lay Nicky’s body to rest alone in a room upstairs. During this instance, Fatima’s newfound craving for rotten food exponentiates drastically as she inquisitively prods at Nicky’s gunshot wound—and licks the blood off her corpse. The action all but confirms the devious nature of Fatima’s impossible pregnancy, which will likely lead to either her or her baby’s demise.

Randall’s Brutal Predicament

This episode makes an unfortunate victim out of Randall as he forays out of the safety of his bus, which ends up costing him greatly. Boyd’s earlier decision to spend the night on the bus to spy on the monsters created an unexpected moment of connection between the two men. Despite his previous misgivings, Randall genuinely wants to help the sheriff in his newest plan, if only to expedite their return home. Afterward, once Jim rushes out to the ambulance, convinced that Tabitha must be inside, Randall wordlessly follows him and Boyd to lend a hand. Even so, in the face of an ultimatum, Boyd has no choice but to leave him behind. Consequently, Randall becomes monster fodder as Boyd chooses to save four lives instead of one.

Still, after Boyd and the others return to the Colony House, the actual brutality of Randall’s predicament emerges. As it turns out, the monsters don’t kill Randall immediately after getting their hands on him. Instead, they torture him physically before depositing him on the ambulance hood outside the Colony House for all to see. The situation can unfold in many ways from here. Either the monsters wish to create conflict within the Township residents by villainizing Boyd for his decision to abandon Randall—or they’re simply waiting for everyone’s attention to kill Randall in front of an audience. Either way, Randall’s precarious survival at the end of the episode—paired with every other trick the monsters have played so far—suggests a level of crafty villainy that is frighteningly new to the mysterious creatures.

Victor Unlocks a Useful Memory

Although Victor’s father, Henry, becomes a new addition to the Town’s population overnight—the former man remains oblivious to this development. This is because he spends the night in Sara’s company to face his daunting past and glean some answers from it. Given everything he has been through as one of the longest-standing residents of the horrifying town, Victor is afraid of his memories. For the same reason, he builds a blanket fort in Sara’s house and chooses to go through his memories in her presence. Since Sara is the scariest person in town—at least to Victor—he feels safe unearthing his similarly scary past with her.

Thus, Victor regales his past to Sara in the safety of her company and the blanket fort. When he was a child, his mother had asked him and his sister, Eloise, to stay hidden in the cellar while she went out to save the other children. Although Eloise had rebelled against this instruction, Victor stayed put—and, hence, survived. The next morning, he woke up to find the entire town littered with dead bodies and no one to keep him company—except for the Boy in the White. Consequently, in each other’s sole company, the two become friends. Since Victor couldn’t bury all the bodies, the Boy in the White suggested an alternative of burying their most treasured possession. Therefore, now, Victor holds a suitcase filled with random knick-knacks taken from the bodies of his dead friends and neighbors.

In recalling the same instance, Victor remembers a detail about one of the townsfolk, Christopher. Christopher was a friendly man who carried a ventriloquist doll around with him. However, sometime before the Town’s massacres, his demeanor changed drastically. During this time, Victor witnessed him arguing with his ventriloquist doll, Jasper—who argued back without any human aid. Thus, Victor concludes that he needs to find Christopher’s most treasured possession—Jasper the doll—in order to unravel the Town’s mysterious past.

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