Created by John Tinker and Nancey Silvers and adapted from Sheryl Woods’ titular mystery series, ‘Chesapeake Shores’ is an enthralling family drama series that revolves around the influential O’Brien family. Set in the titular town in the bay area of Maryland, the story begins as divorced elder sister Abby returns from New York to her hometown to save her sister’s inn, which is at the brink of closure. In the process, Abby has to revisit an open chapter in her romantic life when she reconnects with her past love Trace Riley.
In the meantime, the story deepens with Abby’s estranged mother coming back into town. Since its inception in August 2016, the Hallmark original show has spawned five seasons amidst considerable fanfare and critical approval. With a great cast ensemble and strong chemistry, the show has become eye candy for the Hallmarkies. If you are inquisitive about the cast members and filming locations of the show, allow us to keep you informed.
Chesapeake Shores Filming Locations
‘Chesapeake Shores’ is filmed in its entirety in Canada, especially in British Columbia. Filming for the fifth season commenced sometime in April 2021 and lasted till July of the same year. Although the story is supposedly set in Maryland, the producers found it cost-effective to film the show in Hollywood North – Vancouver. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the show is filmed!
Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
The majority of the series is filmed in Qualicum Beach, a picturesque coastal town located on Vancouver Island, part of British Columbia. The scenes at Sally’s Diner were filmed in Leigh House, a heritage house in the middle of the town’s commercial district, at 124 West 2nd Avenue in Qualicum.
The show often deceives when it comes to locations – like the Crown Mansion Boutique Hotel room at 292 Crescent Road East that stood in for the Baltimore Law Offices.
Some scenes were filmed at Milner Gardens & Woodland – Vancouver Island University at 2179 Island Highway West in Qualicum Beach. The crew constructed a treehouse from scratch to facilitate filming. The sequences set in Jess’ Bed and Breakfast were also filmed at this location. Some scenes from the fifth season were filmed in The Qualicum Beach Community Hall, a community center on 644 Memorial Avenue. The town square was also used to film a few scenes.
The production team also shot a few scenes at Smithford’s Gifts, a gift shop located at 164 West 2nd Avenue in the same region. The location stood in for the Chesapeake Shores Flower Shop in the series. The Chesapeake Shores Town Square Café does not exist in reality. The scenes were actually filmed on location in Bailey’s in the Village, a diner located at 670 Primrose Street, in the same area.
Parksville, British Columbia
The interior sequences are mostly filmed inside a studio environment. The Vancouver Island Film Studios, a movie production hub located at 925 Fairdowne Road in Parksville, lent its premises to film the series. Some scenes were filmed in Parksville Community Park, a public park situated at 193 Beachside Drive. The crew also visited St. Edmund’s Anglican Church, a parish church located at 407 Wembley Road in Parksville, to film a few sequences.
A few sequences were captured at the Rathtrevor Beach and its adjacent Provincial Park, a scenic destination located at 1240 Rath Road, at the east end of the town. Some shots from the fifth season also speculatively feature locations in Errington or south Parksville.
Nanaimo, British Columbia
In one memorable sequence, Abby visits the Chesapeake Shores Art Museum. While the museum does not exist, the scenes were filmed at Nanaimo Arts Council, a museum and exhibition center located at 78 Wharf Street in Nanaimo. The show also features seeming glimpses of Austin and Nashville, but the crew filmed in neither of those places. The scenes were rather filmed at a more convenient location of Nanaimo’s downtown Commercial Street.
The team also filmed some scenes at the Vault Cafe, a café at 499 Wallace Street in Nanaimo, which stood in for Austin Street. The scenes set at the Palace Bar in Nashville were actually filmed at The Queen’s, a grand hotel located at 34 Victoria Crescent in Nanaimo. A few exterior scenes were filmed in Gabriel’s Cafe, another café at 39 Commercial Street in the same area. Humanity In Art, an art gallery located in Nanaimo, reportedly served as a filming site for a few scenes.
Other Locations in British Columbia
The production team also filmed a few scenes in Nanoose Bay, a community situated on the east coast of southern Vancouver Island. The Fairwinds Marina at Schooner Cove, a marina at 3521 Dolphin Drive in Nanoose Bay, stood for the Chesapeake Shores Marina. The O’Brien house where most of the story unfolds can be found at 1574 Stewart Road, in the same area.
Although most of the series is filmed in Vancouver Island, some scenes were filmed on the mainland, especially the first season’s pilot. Some scenes were also filmed in Victoria, the coastal capital city of British Columbia. Scenes were also captured in Steveston, a neighborhood in the city of Richmond in British Columbia.
Chesapeake Shores Cast
Among the central cast members, Meghan Ory appears as Abby O’Brien-Winters, a divorced mother of twins who returns to the titular town in Maryland. Treat Williams acts as Abby’s father, Mick, the family’s patriarch and the town’s founder. Among other prominent cast members, Laci J Mailey essays the role of Abby’s youngest sister Jess, Barbara Niven acts in the role of Abby’s estranged mother Megan, and Emilie Ullerup plays the character of Abby’s younger sister Bree.
Brendan Penny plays the role of Kevin, the older son of the family, alongside Andrew Francis, who dons the garb of younger son Connor. Diane Ladd plays the role of the matriarch and Mick’s mother, Nell. In the fifth season, ‘One Tree Hill’ fame actor Robert Buckley appears in the leading role of Evan Kincaid, an entrepreneur who brings business to town.
Read More: Hallmark Movies on Netflix
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