Directed by Joosje Duk, Netflix’s romantic film ‘Happy Ending’ revolves around Luna and Mink, who cherish an endearing one-year-long relationship. Although Luna adores her partner, she is disappointed that the latter cannot satisfy her sexually. She has been faking orgasms for a year, which leads her to have a threesome with Mink and Eve, hoping that it will make her boyfriend perform better in bed. The consequences of Eve’s presence in their relationship, however, threaten the couple’s togetherness. Although they decide to part ways, their lives get interconnected at the end of the movie, making them reconsider their decision regarding the fate of their relationship! SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Inevitable Separation
Luna and Mink got together while they were working together at a restaurant named Culpepper. Although Luna had to be patient with Mink, who didn’t respond properly to her flirtation at first, they eventually came across the spark between them, which led to a night of intimacy. They ended up having sex, only for Mink to finish up soon and Luna to fake an orgasm. Ever since their first night as a couple, Mink has been a failure in bed. Luna never summons up the courage to talk about the same after lying about having orgasms, which leads to further disappointment and dissatisfaction for her.
That’s when Luna starts to believe that a threesome may end up being the solution to her concern. She starts to think that having a third person involved in their intimacy will spice up the same, hoping that it will make Mink perform better in bed. They then get acquainted with Eve, with whom they end up having a threesome. Luna’s beliefs get shattered when Mink fails to last longer despite having Eve involved. But the night of intimacy doesn’t result in disappointment for Luna as Eve continues to be intimate with her, only for the former to have a real orgasm.
After faking orgasms over a hundred times, the experience with Eve makes Luna crave more sexually. She starts to see Eve alone, without even informing Mink about the same. Luna’s friends, meanwhile, advise her to have an honest conversation with her boyfriend if she doesn’t want to lose the togetherness they have been nurturing. While being intimate, Luna starts to ask Mink to do certain things, which leaves the latter puzzled. The encounter ends with Mink knowing that his girlfriend has been faking orgasms ever since they got together. Mink immerses himself in pain because he has been failing to satisfy his partner in bed and Luna has been lying to him for a long period.
While Mink seeks comfort in the company of his friend, Luna and Eve get together again to have sex. Although the meeting doesn’t end well, Mink sees Eve leaving their apartment, which makes him put an end to their relationship. Although Luna seeks Mink’s forgiveness and asks him for a second chance to be an honest partner, the latter makes it clear that he is too hurt to grant the former’s wish. The film ends with Luna collecting her things from Mink’s apartment as they part ways. However, Luna and Mink may have not separated for good. After Luna leaves Mink’s apartment, he rushes to her with her vibrator.
Doors Are Open for Luna and Mink’s Union
Rather than disappearing from Luna’s life, Mink sits and listens to her explaining what he should have done as a partner sexually to satisfy her. Mink’s willingness to listen to Luna and learn what he should change for her to get sexually satisfied can be considered an indication of his wish to get back together with her. Although Luna has hurt him severely, Mink must have understood that he hasn’t been an ideal partner for her. When she asks him to do what she wants in bed, he doesn’t follow the same as he finds her demands unusual. He may have understood that he should have prioritized Luna’s satisfaction as well.
These possible realizations must be what makes Mink sit with Luna at the end of the film. As they have the difficult conversation they have always avoided, it is safe to say that they both want their relationship to work out. By parting ways with Eve, Luna has made it clear to Mink that her “affair” with the former was nothing but her craving for more sexual satisfaction. Luna accepts Eve walking away from her life without a protest because she only cares about sharing her life with Mink. For Luna, Eve never has been her boyfriend’s potential replacement but a temporary source of pleasure and satisfaction.
Therefore, Mink may forgive Luna for lying to him and he possibly will start trying to become a better partner. Considering that Mink doesn’t want to run away from Luna, it is safe to say that they will most likely end up together.
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