Based on the eponymous novel by C.J. Tudor, ‘The Burning Girls’ is a British horror thriller series that stars Samantha Morton in the portrayal of Reverend Jack Brooks who arrives in the village of Chapel Croft along with her daughter, Flo Brooks, in search of a fresh start following a tragic loss. However, just when they begin settling into the village and getting acquainted with the locals, the dark secrets of the place creep into the surface. Attempting to uncover the truth, Jack Brooks gets warned that if she gets too close to the truth, she and her loved ones are bound to suffer deadly consequences.
Besides Morton, the drama show features compelling performances from Ruby Stokes, Conrad Khan, Paul Bradley, Janie Dee, and Jane Lapotaire. The fictional village of Chapel Croft keeps its secrets buried behind the mask of a peaceful community and friendly locals, who turn on the lead characters when they begin uncovering the truth about its dark past. Whether it is the church or the residences of different characters, the viewers are left scratching their heads wondering where ‘The Burning Girls’ is shot. If you are one such curious soul, you might be interested in what we have to share!
Where is The Burning Girls Filmed?
‘The Burning Girls’ is filmed in England, particularly in Buckinghamshire. According to reports, principal photography for the debut iteration of the series got underway in August 2022 and continued through several following months, before wrapping up in late 2022. Now, without wasting any time, let’s navigate all the specific locations that make an appearance in the Paramount+ series!
Buckinghamshire, England
The shooting of a major portion of ‘The Burning Girls’ takes place in Buckinghamshire, a ceremonial county located in South East England. To be specific, Wycombe District serves as one of the prominent production locations as the filming unit sets up camp across the local government district. The Stokenchurch Community Centre at Bartholomew Tipping Way in the village of Stokenchurch was transformed into a police station for the series. Not only did they paint the blue detailing around the gutters and windows at the entrance to the community center, but they also added a police station sign. Farnham Common is yet another filming site that features quite regularly in the backdrop of ‘The Burning Girls.’
Samantha Morton, who portrays Jack Brooks in ‘The Burning Girls,’ explained her experience of shooting the series during a conversation with What To Watch in October 2023. She said, “Filming has been intense every day. You look at the script and go, ‘OK, this is a scene where she’s just walking to the vicarage’. But, actually, in every scene, Jack is carrying the weight of a lot of secrets and that’s really heavy. But the crew have been the nicest, most supportive, amazing team. I’m very proud of everyone, but, yes, I’m absolutely shattered!”
Other Locations in England
The production team of ‘The Burning Girls’ also travel to other locations across England, including London where they utilize the facilities of a few studios to shoot several pivotal sequences for the series. The capital of England as well as the United Kingdom, and its surrounding areas, consists of a number of film studios, including London Wimbledon Studios, Ealing Studios, Pinewood Studios, Shepperton Studios, and Longcross Studios, some of which may have been used for the production of the thriller series. According to reports, some key portions are also recorded in East Sussex.
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