Here Are All the Locations Where Dicks The Musical Was Filmed

Adapted from the off-Broadway musical titled ‘F**king Identical Twins’ by Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson, ‘Dicks: The Musical’ is a musical comedy movie that centers upon two self-obsessed rival businessmen — Craig and Trevor — who diffuse the animosity between them as soon as they discover the fact that they are long-lost identical twin brothers. In order to reunite their divorced parents, the twins plot and switch places.

Even though many hindrances come along the way during their mission, Craig and Trevor sing and dance them away and do their best to become an actual family yet again. With Larry Charles at the helm, the comedy film features impressive performances from Josh Sharp, Aaron Jackson, Nathan Lane, Megan Mullally, and Bowen Yang. The famous female rapper Megan Thee Stallion also makes her feature film debut. With so many interesting locations in the backdrop, including the office, streets, and residences, the viewers are bound to wonder where ‘Dicks: The Musical’ was shot. If you are one such curious soul, allow us to fill you in on all the details!

Dicks: The Musical Filming Locations

‘Dicks: The Musical’ was seemingly filmed in California, especially in and around Los Angeles. Principal photography for the Megan Thee Stallion feature debut seemingly took place soon after its announcement in February 2022. So, without further ado, allow us to take you through all the specific locations that make an appearance in the musical film!

Los Angeles, California

Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Dicks: The Musical’ were seemingly lensed in Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world. Although the scenes take place in a wide range of settings, including in the office where Evelyn works, in the streets, and in other establishments, chances are that all of them are taped on the sound stages and backlot area of one of the many film studios located in and around Los Angeles.

Being closely linked to the Hollywood industry, the City of Angels and surrounding areas are home to a number of major film studios, including Sunset Bronson Studios, Raleigh Studios Hollywood, Universal Studios, Warner Bros. Studios, Sony Pictures Studios, and Paramount Studios, to name a few. From the looks of it, the filming unit took over one of the film studio complexes and made the most of its amenities and facilities for the production of ‘Dicks: The Musical.’

In an October 2023 interview with Screen Rant, the songwriter and composer, Marius de Vries, was asked about the amount of vocals that they did on set and in the studio. Marius cleared out by explaining, “I’d hesitate to put a percentage on it because I haven’t dug through it and worked that out, but a lot of it was recorded live. Most of the twin stuff was live on set. A lot of Megan was live on set, and a fair amount of Nathan was. Megan (Thee Stallion) was lip-synced.”

Marius further expanded, “I’m a big fan, without getting fetishistic about it, of recording on set, because you get a kind of verisimilitude that is very difficult to achieve with pre-records. I was pleased that, even in an extremely condensed 20-day shoot, we were given the opportunity to slow things down and do what you need to do to get good live takes, and that we were able to use a fair amount of them.”

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