Directed by Robert Lorenz, ‘In the Land of Saints and Sinners’ is an action thriller that revolves around a quaint Irish town in the countryside, which becomes the grounds for a conflict during the Troubles. World War II veteran Finbar Murphy is saved from drowning in his sorrows by a local crime boss, who puts him to work as a contract killer. Eventually, Murphy makes up his mind to retire from his grizzly way of life.
However, four fugitives of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) hide in the town and begin to abuse and harm the townsfolk. When the local police sit idly by, Murphy is compelled to holster his gun once again. With the narrative taking place in a turbulent period in Ireland, making references to political disturbances of the time, curiosity is sparked regarding the 2023 movie’s real-world inspirations.
In the Land of Saints and Sinners is Not Based on a True Story
The story of ‘In the Land of Saints and Sinners’ is written by Mark Michael McNally and Terry Loane. It may seem familiar to some because of its authentically recreated environments, historical ties to the time, western feel, and Liam Neeson’s characteristic performance. The script for the movie was initially read by Liam Neeson himself, who brought on board Robert Lorenz as the director, having previously worked with him on ‘The Marksman.’
“I just was just fascinated by it,” explained Lorenz in an interview, “I thought it was a story well told. I really loved all these different unique characters and how he kind of got to know them, and how all of their lives and these different threads all kind of came together in the end, and I love thrillers.” To create a film that is faithful to the region and time, the director chose the exact filming location mentioned in the script, which was situated deep in the countryside. He also hired an all-Irish cast and crew to work on the project.
Although the movie doesn’t delve much into the politics of its background, it does make it clear that it is set during the Troubles in Ireland. This backdrop of political turmoil creates a compelling backstory for the antagonists, who are escaping the authorities after a botched bombing and venting their frustrations by terrorizing the townsfolk. The Troubles was an era of civil war in northern Ireland, the roots of which can be traced back to the Irish War of Independence.
The Irish War of Independence was a grueling conflict between the IRA and Great Britain that ended in the formation of an independent Republic of Ireland in 1921. Six northeastern counties of Ireland opted to remain under British rule and became known as the territories of Northern Ireland. However, within Northern Ireland, the majority loyalist and unionist factions who wanted to remain with the UK were opposed by minority republican and Irish nationalists who strived for a united Ireland. The Troubles, or the Northern Ireland conflict, began in the 1960s when nationalist protests against the unionist government escalated, leading to British troops being deployed.
The IRA, fighting a guerilla war against the loyalist forces and the British Army, became infamous for their bombing campaigns. While the bombs were meant to hinder infrastructure and logistics as well as assassinate targets, as seen in the film, they would often lead to civilian loss of life. Some prominent examples that unfortunately caused the deaths of children are the 1993 Warrington bombings and the 1998 Omagh bombing. Similar to the premise of the film, IRA fighters would often seek refuge in small towns and rural areas in the Republic of Ireland, using them as staging grounds for their next attack.
While the conflict was concentrated within Northern Ireland, it often spilled into the bordering counties of the Republic of Ireland. County Donegal, which is the setting for the film, was adversely affected by the violence of the Troubles as it is physically cut off from the rest of the Republic of Ireland. The loyalist and republican paramilitaries fought a brutal, irregular war within the territory, with frequent bombings and assassinations, causing local politicians to label Donegal as the forgotten county. Thus, Irish viewers of the film will likely be sensitive to the political backdrop and root for the flawed Murphy as he fights a greater evil that harms the precious commodity of peace in the town.
Another reason for some of the audience to feel a sense of familiarity with the film is its distinctly Western feel. A group of outlaws enter town and begin to cause problems. As the town sheriff isn’t up to the task, a troubled bounty hunter shoulders his weapon for one last shootout. ‘In the Land of Saints and Sinners’ is a well-written, fictional Western story that plays to the strengths of Liam Neeson as a grizzled veteran, reluctantly employing his very particular set of skills to save the peace of a picturesque Irish town during a tumultuous period of political violence.
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