‘Business Proposal’ or ‘The Office Blind Date’ is a Korean romantic comedy series created by Park Seon-ho, Han Sul-hee, and Hong Bo-hui. It revolves around Shin Ha-ri who pretends to be her friend Jin Young-seo on a blind date to let the latter off the hook. Much to the surprise of Ha-ri, Young-seo’s prospective partner turns out to be the CEO of the company where she works, Kang Tae-moo. The fake identity drama works but only for some time as soon Tae-moo finds out the truth about Ha-ri.
The rom-com series shares its theme and tone with several other Korean dramas, making it a fun yet emotional watch. The beautiful backdrops complementing the gripping narrative keep the viewers invested in the show and asking for more. On the other hand, the amazing performances from the cast members and the compelling storyline make viewers wonder if the series is inspired by a real-life situation. Well, we are here to give you the answers!
Is Business Proposal a True Story?
No, ‘Business Proposal’ is not based on a true story. However, the Korean drama is based on a popular webtoon titled ‘The Office Blind Date’ by HaeHwa. Even though the show is not inspired by true events, it accurately portrays modern relationships and dating trends. The series is a humorous take on blind dates, which have become quite common. On the other hand, there are people who actually dread the idea of meeting new people, especially through blind dates, and the K-drama depicts that perfectly through Young-seo’s character.
Moreover, there are several K-dramas that revolve around office romance, making them quite similar to ‘Business Proposal.’ ‘What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim,’ ‘Cunning Single Lady,’ ‘Jugglers,’ and ‘Lucky Romance’ are just some of the many shows that shine a light on romantic relationships at the workplace. So, it is possible that the makers of the Netflix series took inspiration from these Korean dramas. So, although ‘Business Proposal’ is not a true story, it surely tackles some relatable situations that people tend to face from time to time.
Business Proposal Filming Locations
‘Business Proposal’ is filmed in different locations in South Korea, including Seoul, Daegu, Paju-si, Yangyang-gun, and Wonju-si. Over the years, South Korea has served as a filming site for several K-dramas including ‘Squid Game‘ and ‘What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim.’ Thanks to its modern architecture and bustling cities, it makes an interesting backdrop for film and television production.
The principal photography for the first season seemingly took place in early 2022. Now, if you are curious about the specific locations that appear in the K-drama, you will find it interested in learning what we know!
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul serves as a major filming location for ‘Business Proposal’ as the production team travels across the capital to shoot several sequences for the series. Yeonnamjang is a cafe and co-working space located in the Seongdong district of Seoul. You may spot it in the show as the restaurant where Ha-ri’s classmate from university Min-woo works as a chef.
As per sources, the cast and crew traveled to Meongteongguri Jeugseok Tteokbokki to lens the scenes where Ha-ri and Young-seo meet up at a restaurant that has writings on the walls. The tteokbokki restaurant is located at 14-2 Gongneung-ro 51-gil, in the Nowon District.
Daegu, South Korea
Daegu is another important production site for this Korean rom-com show. Cafe Sandeul Hill, reportedly located in the Manchon neighborhood of Daegu, is a vegan bakery. In the show, it is used to depict the Goobne chicken restaurant that Ha-ri’s family owns and runs.
Paju, South Korea
Paju is a beautiful city situated in the Gyeonggi Province of South Korea. Seungjam-Won located is a traditional Korean restaurant that is used to lens the scene where Ha-ri and Tae-moo meet with chairman Kang Da-goo together for the first time. The exact location of the restaurant is 389-1 Beopwon-ri, Beobwon-eup.
Yangyang County, South Korea
Yangyang County AKA Yangyang-gun – a populated county located in Gangwon province – serves as another significant production location for the show. The beach sequence where Tae-moo tries to impress Ha-ri by secretly calling out a food truck has been lensed at the Yangyang Surfyy Beach. It is situated at 119 Hajodaehaean-gil, Hyeonbuk-myeon.
Wonju, South Korea
Scenes involving Kang Tae-moo’s family house are shot in Wonju, which is the most populous city in the Gangwon province. Designed by Studio Piet Boon, the property seen in the series is a luxury home located in the Oak Valley Residential Resort. Fun fact – it is the same house seen in the Korean show ‘Crazy Love.’
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