Discovery Channel’s ‘Deadliest Catch’ on Discovery Channel follows commercial crab fishers as they go to work during the snow crab and Alaskan king crab fishing seasons at the Bering Sea. The reality series documents the high risk that the line of work entails, which often results in severe injuries and sometimes even death. Rough seas, extreme weather conditions, and staying months away from the land for work give the show its dose of drama.
The series captures dramatic events that seem like a scene from a Hollywood film and the disproportionate flare-ups in the interpersonal relationships between the crew members. Naturally, it has got the viewers questioning whether all that we see in the series is real or not. If you are interested in getting to the bottom of the matter, here is everything you need to know!
Is Deadliest Catch Real or Scripted?
The Emmy-nominated show has often been praised for its realism. The fact that several fishers have died during filming is proof of how dangerous the occupation is. The accidents at sea usually happen because the fishing boats have to bear heavy weight due to the machinery used and the crabs. This, coupled with the unpredictable weather, indicates that a slight misstep could cost the crew members their lives.
Several episodes have documented the fatal accidents and how it impacts the other cast members. So, even the cameramen have to be adequately prepared. The captain of Northwestern, Sig Hansen, also spoke about this with Jimmy Kimmel and revealed that the fishing crews had saved the lives of the camera operators multiple times. Therefore, the series lives up to its name as the dangers of crab fishing are extremely real.
While it is common for reality shows to re-enact certain incidents because the producers do not want to miss out on interesting storylines, one particular incident in the series came under fire. You may remember the dramatic storm that posed a threat to those aboard the fishing vessel called the Wizard. Sources have revealed that the producers combined two individual incidents to make up the dramatic event.
While the Wizard experienced a leak in September 2008, the storm struck in the following month of October. But in the episode, it is depicted that the leak was caused by the big storm, which technically isn’t the truth. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the network admitted that two incidents were combined but insisted that the show does not use any re-enacted incidents. The manner in which this accident was presented shook the trust of many fans who loved the show for its authenticity.
Unfortunately, a couple of the cast members also revealed that the drama among the fishers is scripted and not necessarily an honest depiction of their relationship with each other. Elliott Neese is one of the people who said that everything on the show is controlled, and the production team has a solid hand in the editing. While this may be done to keep things interesting, there is no denying that the premise of the show is genuine.
Having said that, we also know that climate change also plays a significant role in the show since the fishers have to adapt to newer tactics. Due to a rise in the water temperature, crabs have been driven away from their usual spots. Therefore, the boats have had to venture out to riskier locations that are farther from rescue workers.
Read More: All Crew Members of Deadliest Catch Who Have Passed Away
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