Portrayed by Jenny Umbhau, Lai is an important supporting character in the Max (previously Cinemax) series ‘Warrior.’ Introduced in season 1, Lai is an immigrant from Yumingzui in the Shandong province of China. Her father sells her to a slaver to settle a debt. Later, Ah Toy (Olivia Cheng) finds her and buys her from the slavers. Lai doesn’t speak much and, much like Ah Toy, is extremely proficient with the Dao. Later in the show, Ah Toy sends Lai to live at Nellie Davenport’s vineyard in Sonoma, believing that she will be safe there, but violence ultimately finds its way to the picturesque property as well. If the recent events in the show have made you wonder whether Lai is dead and Umbhau has left ‘Warrior,’ we got you covered. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Season 3 Twist: Lai’s Tragic End
Yes, Lai is dead in the third season of ‘Warrior.’ In the course of the series, Lai has grown close to multiple main characters, including Ah Toy and Ah Sham, and her death will likely affect how the plot develops. Ah Toy and Lai meet each other when the former buys the latter at a slave auction, despite Lai having double the price because she has never been with anyone. Ah Toy takes the young girl home and arranges a bath for her before assuring her she is safe. Lai doesn’t work as a prostitute at Ah Toy’s brothel, serving as a maid instead. When Gresham tries to sell her off to a white man, Ah Toy steps in and cuts his face, prompting him to run away.
Lai is the only other person save Ah Toy that remains besides Ah Sahm after his loss at the hands of Li Yong of the Long Zii Tong. She helps him regain his health, putting his shoulder back into place. While cleaning Ah Toy’s room, she finds the older woman’s dao and demonstrates she possesses inherent skills with the weapon, prompting Ah Toy to teach her.
Because of her past, Lai is deeply traumatized, which manifests when she fights slavers and brothel owners. After Ah Toy witnesses Lai brutally killing a man, she decides to send her to Nellie’s vineyard, hoping the younger woman will find peace there. But this is ultimately short-lived. Wanting Nellie’s property for his railroad expansion, Strickland sends his men to burn the vineyard.
Lai loses several of her friends that evening. Seeking vengeance, she infiltrates Strickland’s home and kills the man who actually set the fire. But Strickland is a Civil War veteran and a master of the saber sword. Although Lai is prodigiously talented, she is no match for Strickland’s experience. Strickland kills her and sends her body to Nellie’s doorstep. Nellie then takes it to Ah Toy, and both women vow that justice will be served.
Lai’s Death: Umbhau’s Exit from Warrior
As Lai is dead, it’s safe to presume that Umbhau has left ‘Warrior.’ Umbhau is a South African stunt performer, actress, and gymnast. She is of German and Japanese descent. As a stunt performer, she has been associated with projects such as ‘Black Sails,’ ‘Tomb Raider,’ ‘Resident Evil,’ and ‘Wednesday.’ Besides ‘Warrior,’ she has acted in projects like ‘Dominion,’ ‘Blood Drive,’ and ‘Resident Evil.’
Umbhau is active on social media and regularly posts about ‘Warrior.’ “Working with @thatoliviacheng is the highlight of the show to me! She’s my confidante, my rock, my sister, my fellow weirdo and my mentor on and off camera! There is never a dull moment on set with this beautiful soul, and to have her as my scene partner since season 1 for my first big acting job was a dream come true,” she wrote about Cheng on Instagram.
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