Originally titled ‘Man with My Husband’s Face,’ Lifetime’s ‘The Man with My Husband’s Face’ is a thriller movie that revolves around Katrina and Heath, a young married couple who has everything going right for them until the point when the latter disappears during a kayaking trip. This incident led to everyone assuming that he must have drowned. However, when Katrina comes across someone identical to her husband in public, she gets tangled in a series of events that makes her question all that she knew about Heath.
Helmed by Danny J. Boyle, the film consists of talented cast members, including Koko Marshall, Thomas Gipson, Katie Page, Benjamin David Dennis, Courtney Humphrey, and Steve D’Angelo, all of whose outstanding performances elevate the level of the narrative even further. Talking of the narrative, it even sheds light upon some realistic themes, such as deception, which is something all of us have either experienced or heard about. So, it is natural for you to wonder if ‘The Man with My Husband’s Face’ is based on true events. Well, let’s explore the same, shall we?
The Man with My Husband is a Fictional Story
No, ‘The Man with My Husband’s Face’ is not based on a true story. However, Taylor Warren Goff made the most of his creative mind and exceptional writing skills to come up with an intriguing yet realistic screenplay for the Lifetime thriller. In addition, he has written the screenplay for quite a few other productions, including ‘The Wedding Fix,’ ‘My Father’s Other Family,’ and ‘Coventry.’ So, given his experience as a screenwriter in the industry, the process of crafting the storyline for him was seemingly smooth.
We have heard or seen the themes and elements of a conman and deception quite a few times in real life, which is what sparked some curiosity in many viewers’ minds. Well, let’s take the case of Coleen Greenwood and James Scott, in which the latter turned out to be a conman. Coleen met James through a dating website in 2014 and fell in love with him. Posing as a firefighter, James did everything to win her affection and lied to her about being divorced and having two daughters. In actuality, James was a jobless former soldier named Greg Wilson who was still married and had three sons.
Coleen found out about Wilson’s deception three years and a baby boy too late. Apart from real life, the theme of deceiving someone for an ulterior motive has been explored in numerous movies and TV shows, which is why you find ‘The Man with My Husband’s Face’ familiar. One of the aptest examples has to be that of ‘The Tinder Swindler,’ which is actually based on the true story of the Israeli conman Simon Leviev. Directed by Felicity Morris, the documentary movie chronicles the life of Leviev, who, with the help of the dating application Tinder connected with many women.
Leviev’s main strategy was to emotionally manipulate the women he met on the dating app, make them trust him, and then ask for huge sums of money to escape his so-called “enemies.” As you might have gathered, Leviev in ‘The Tinder Swindler’ and Heath in ‘The Man with My Husband’s Face’ share quite a few similarities as both of them try to con their respective partners for ulterior motives. Thus, it would be safe to come to the conclusion that the Lifetime thriller is a work of fiction despite having several true-to-life themes and elements!
Read More: Is Lifetime’s Road Trip Hostage Based on a True Story?
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