The Australian show ‘My Life Is Murder’ is a delightful blend of crime and comedy that centers around Alexa Crowe, a private investigator with a very colorful personal life. She uses her past experience as a detective to help her former boss with cases no one else is able to solve. The series uses bright backdrops, which is quite an unusual setting for a crime show. Moreover, it is refreshing that a series with dark themes has a certain light-heartedness to it. Naturally, you must be curious about where it is filmed. Before we get to that, let’s find out whether the narrative of the crime-comedy is rooted in reality!
Is My Life Is Murder Based on a True Story?
No, ‘My Life Is Murder’ is not based on a true story. Alexa Crowe is a fictional character created by Claire Tonkin, who reportedly wrote the character keeping Lucy Lawless in mind. One of the best-known works of the actress is the title role in the fantasy series ‘Xena: Warrior Princess.’ In her portrayal of Xena, Lawless exhibits strength and humor, both of which are essential qualities to her on-screen character in this Australian crime-comedy.
Lucy Lawless has a deep fascination for true crime, so much so that she often attends actual court hearings and even refers to herself as “court ghoul.” In an April 2020 interview, the actress revealed that although legal proceedings can be dark and methodical, they are essential learning experiences for an individual. According to her, it helps one gain a fresh understanding of society and justice. Among numerous trials that she has attended as a member of the public, Lawless was even present at Jeffrey Epstein’s bail hearing in July 2019.
Therefore, it is safe to say that all these experiences helped Lawless shape her on-screen character in ‘My Life Is Murder.’ Having said that, it is worth noting that it is not uncommon for crime shows and police procedural dramas to borrow elements from news headlines. In fact, TV shows based on real-life people and their experiences make them all the more interesting; shows such as ‘Dr. Death,’ ‘OJ: Made in America,’ and ‘Making a Murderer’ are excellent examples. However, that is not the case with ‘My Life Is Murder’ as its narrative is rooted in fiction.
My Life Is Murder Filming Locations
‘My Life Is Murder’ is filmed in Australia and New Zealand. While the first season is set in Australia, the series takes the setting to New Zealand in its sophomore run. The show highlights the fact that crime does not always take place in the dark and shady corners of a city. The brightest, sunniest, and most unsuspecting places can also be a site where horrible crimes are committed. Let us take you through the details of the locations where the Australian show is filmed!
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, can be considered a prominent character in the inaugural season of ‘My Life Is Murder’ as the city appears quite extensively in the show. The storyline is predominantly set in the western part of Melbourne, which is no stranger to television and film production. In the first season, several scenes were filmed in the Docklands, which is a suburban community in the city. It is home to one of the biggest studios in the country, that is, the famous Docklands Studios Melbourne at 476 Docklands Drive.
In an interview with The Age, Lawless said, “We treat Melbourne like the star she is. We are shooting her like ‘Sex and The City’ uses Manhattan or movies about Paris.” This implies that the cast and crew shot the first season in different parts of Melbourne and highlighted even those bits of the city that people don’t usually pay attention to. Alexa’s apartment in the series is located in Footscray, so a considerable number of scenes were filmed on location.
Auckland, New Zealand
The outbreak of COVID-19 proved to be a major challenge for the filming of the show, which possibly led to the production team choosing New Zealand as the filming site for the second season. We see the vast cityscape of Auckland several times in season 2 because the producers wanted to establish that the events in the second season take place against an urban backdrop. Interestingly, Auckland also happens to be home to Lawless as well as her onscreen character Alexa.
Got that #FridayFeeling 💄👗👠 #AlexaCrowe #MLIM@EbonyVagulans @RealLucyLawless
— My Life Is Murder (@MLIM_TV) July 2, 2021
Auckland’s city center is defined by the Auckland Central Business District (CBD), the most infrastructurally developed part of the metropolis. It covers approximately 433 hectares and is close to the Auckland Harbour area. Many scenes seemed to have been shot by the waterfront. Additionally, a significant amount of sequences in season 2 were filmed in Westhaven Marina, Britomart, and the Wynyard Quarter.
In season 2, the viewers might recognize iconic locations such as the Sky Tower, the Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, and Piha Beach. The production team enjoyed filming in the city, particularly because of the ways in which the local community got involved in the process. For one of the episodes in season 2, the show employed some of the best drag performers in Auckland in guest roles and hired local residents as extras for the scenes set in the club.
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