Directed by Rajesh Mapuskar, ‘Rudra: The Edge of Darkness’ is a psychological crime thriller streaming series inspired by Neil Cross’s popular British show titled ‘Luther.’ It revolves around DCP Rudra Veer Singh, a brilliant policeman who chases highly intelligent criminals as they are about to put the lives of innocent people in threat by executing their twisted plans.
In his pursuit of these dangerous men, Rudra forms an unlikely alliance with a genius sociopath who ultimately proves instrumental in multiple instances. Starring Ajay Devgn, Esha Deol, Raashi Khanna, and Atul Kulkarni, the crime thriller keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with new cases in every other episode. Curious to learn more about ‘Rudra: The Edge of Darkness’? Allow us to be your guide!
What is Rudra: The Edge of Darkness About?
DCP Rudra Veer Singh is a consummate detective who has dedicated his life to law enforcement authorities operating in India’s financial capital. So, when he comes across knowledgeable criminals with twisted minds who are willing to put their questionable ideologies to test, he goes to extreme lengths to stop them. Even when the personal risks involved are high, Rudra does not think twice about his own well-being and takes the course of action that serves the greater good. Unfortunately, his strong ideas are in direct conflict with the twisted mindset of the criminals that he pursues, so when the two confront each other, the ensuing chaos often ends in some tragedy.
Is Rudra: The Edge of Darkness on Netflix?
The streaming giant does not have the Ajay Devgn and Esha Deol-starrer in its catalog as of now. Moreover, the series is also highly unlikely to arrive on the platform even in the future. Viewers with a Netflix subscription who are looking for something similar on the platform can enjoy shows like ‘Lupin‘ or ‘Mindhunter.’
Is Rudra: The Edge of Darkness on Hulu?
In the United States, ‘Rudra: The Edge of Darkness’ is all set to release on Hulu in the near future. Therefore, we recommend our readers regularly check the official website in the coming weeks.
Is Rudra: The Edge of Darkness on Amazon Prime Video?
The show is unavailable on Amazon Prime’s current offering and is also not accessible as on-demand content on the platform. People with a subscription to the streamer can alternatively watch other somewhat similar shows such as ‘Endeavour‘ or ‘Bosch.’
Is Rudra: The Edge of Darkness on Disney+ Hotstar?
‘Rudra: The Edge of Darkness’ is a Disney+ Hotstar Special series. Therefore, it is exclusively available on the streamer. People who have a subscription to the platform can watch all the episodes here.
Where to Watch Rudra: The Edge of Darkness Online?
The psychological crime thriller series is exclusively streaming on Disney+ Hostar and will eventually be available on Hulu also. However, apart from that, the show won’t be available on any other website, including the VOD platforms.
How to Stream Rudra: The Edge of Darkness for Free?
Although Disney+ Hotstar does not offer a free trial, Hulu gives its first-time subscribers a 30-day time period to experience its services. One can use it to watch the show for free as soon as the series is available on the platform. However, we encourage our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume online and refrain from using illegal means.
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