Hosted by Joelle “JoJo” Fletcher and Jordan Rogers, USA Network’s ‘The Big D’ is a reality dating series with unique twists that keep viewers hooked. The show features various divorced couples who have come together to find their next partner among each other. However, they also have the option to rekindle their old romance, leading to several complications. After all, finding a new match with your former spouse nearby is undoubtedly not an easy task.
While the series has received much love and attention from the public, many are skeptical about just how legitimate the on-screen events are. The sheer drama present in the show, combined with the highly unusual circumstances, has led many to wonder about the genuineness of the social experiment. If you are in the same boat and are eager to learn more about the series, we have your back!
Is The Big D Scripted?
No, we do not believe that ‘The Big D’ is scripted. The series does contain elements similar to other shows in the genre and puts its own unique twist on the same to provide viewers with a genuinely entertaining experience. While the show did not have the best start and was even canceled by TBS even before its release, it has since created waves among reality TV fans who cannot get enough of the USA Network series.
The series is hosted by Joelle “JoJo” Fletcher and Jordan Rogers, the former being the star of ‘The Bachelorette‘ season 12 and the latter being the winner of the same. The celebrity couple seems to have taken to their presenting duties well and has been quite on board with the project since its inception. “After a year full of challenges, the opportunity to join forces with TBS and help people find love was a no-brainer,” the two shared after TBS had announced the show. “We’re excited to go on this adventure in paradise with romantic hopefuls as they step out of their comfort zones and face unconventional dating scenarios in hopes of finding new love.”
Indeed, many showrunners have shared how people adore rooting for old romances as well as new connections, and the possibility of combining the two was hardly a project they could say no to. The idea certainly seems to have merit if shows like MTV’s ‘Ex on the Beach‘ are anything to go by, where former partners often try to woo back their exes. Another show resembling the working of the USA Network series is VH1’s ‘Couples Therapy,’ where couples come together to find a solution to their woes. This is similar to the help provided by relationship expert Dr. Jada Jackson in ‘The Big D’ to formerly married couples.
The on-screen troubles of the various contestants seem as genuine as one might expect. Given the whole premise of the series, there is enough attraction going around. However, the anticipated jealousy from former partners often rears its head and leads to some interesting turn of events that one can hardly ignore. In other words, the show may have its fair share of dramatic moments, but that seems almost expected given the core idea of the social experiment.
So no, we do not believe that ‘The Big D’ is scripted. The drama in the series is certainly undeniable but also rings true given that the viewers can often understand the motivation behind the actions of many of the cast members, even if not all of these actions might be labeled as mature. Additionally, the presence of a relationship expert also adds to the legitimacy of the idea of moving on for the featured divorced pairs.
Read More: Where is The Big D Filmed?
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