Netflix’s mystery series ‘The Fame Game’ centers around the intricate private and public life of Anamika Anand, a famed Bollywood actress who disappears a day without any known whereabouts. Anamika’s disappearance exposes the startling life she leads as a superstar in one of the largest film industries in the world. Since the Indian series explores the nuances of stardom and Bollywood with shocking honesty, one must be wondering whether the show is based on real events and Bollywood actors. On that note, here’s everything you need to know!
Is The Fame Game Based on a True Story?
No, ‘The Fame Game’ is not based on a true story. The fictional series is conceived by Sri Rao, who wanted to create a show that depicts the complexities of Bollywood stardom. “It’s [the show] about fame and everything that goes with it — power, ego, prestige. It’s hard to imagine how tricky it is to be someone in the public eye, especially with social media and everyone knowing where you are, what you are doing, who your family is. There is risk involved and we explore that in the series,” Rao said to The Hindu. As a Bollywood fan, Rao’s aim was to depict the lives of actors or stars behind the curtains, invisible to the audiences’ eyes.
Within its fictional narrative, the show discusses several real-life issues pertaining to Bollywood. The series portrays inequality between male and female actors, ageism, and sexism present in the entertainment industry using a hard-hitting narrative. “The viewers are privy to different issues that the show touches upon, including gender and equality,” said Madhuri Dixit to Indian Express. Even though the principal mystery is fictional, the world Sri Rao conceived to place the fictitious narrative is indeed real, making the show authentic and intriguing.
Are Anamika Anand and Manish Khanna Based on Real Bollywood Actors?
No, Anamika Anand and Manish Khanna are not based on real actors. Like the narrative, the two protagonists of the show are also fictional. Still, since the characters are Bollywood superstars, it was impossible for Sri Rao to avoid inspirations to conceive the characters. Since the creator’s principal motivation behind creating the show was to explore the talent of Madhuri Dixit, who portrays Anamika, the traits of the actress are present in character as well. Anamika’s life as a caring mother is seemingly a reflection of Madhuri’s own life as a mother of two sons. However, Rao made it clear to The Hindu that the actress and the character are different. “Anamika Anand is not Madhuri Dixit. They are very different people with very different back stories,” he said.
As an ardent admirer of Madhuri, Rao conceived the character in a way to bring out the best of the actress. “When I was approached to create it [the show], I immediately decided it had to be with Madhuri, for Madhuri. The story almost came second to wanting to work with her, and giving her a story and character that would rise up to the level of her talent,” he added to The Hindu. Manav Kaul’s fictional character Manish Khanna also resembles the numerous dashing stars of Bollywood’s past and present, who had to go through tough phases pertaining to relationships, mental health, and adverse effects of stardom.
Through fictional narrative and characters, Sri Rao succeeds in offering a compelling and authentic tale that revolves around the multi-dimensional Bollywood industry. Dixit’s Anamika and Kaul’s Manish represent numerous performers who had to suffer the horrifying complications of their stardom and fame.
Read More: The Fame Game Ending, Explained
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