The 13th installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), ‘The Flash’ is a superhero action movie that revolves around the titular character who travels back in time to alter the past but in the process, he gets trapped in an alternate reality. Helmed by Andy Muschietti, the DC film features impressive onscreen performances from a talented ensemble cast, comprising Ezra Miller, Ben Affleck, Sasha Calle, Michael Shannon, Ron Livingston, Maribel Verdú, Kiersey Clemons, Antje Traue, and Michael Keaton.
Upon its premiere, the action film, which is based on the eponymous DC Comics character, opened to mostly positive reviews from critics as they praised its high-octane action sequences, humor, and stellar performances, especially of Miller and Keaton. If you have been following the DCEU and are a fan of the hero with lightning speed, you must be eager to learn more about this film. In that case, we have got you covered!
What is The Flash About?
In order to rewrite history and prevent his mother from drying, Barry Allen/The Flash uses his ability to travel faster than light to go back in time. Little did he know that the altered events of the past would lead to an altered future. Now, he is trapped in an alternate reality where General Zod has taken over and threatens to destroy the world once and for all. So, Barry convinces an older Batman and an imprisoned Kryptonian to help him save the world and return to his reality. Well, if your interests have peaked, here are all the ways you can watch ‘The Flash’ again.
Is The Flash on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Netflix doesn’t house ‘The Flash’ on its expansive platform. But the streaming giant more than makes up for it by giving you access to similar superhero movies, such as ‘How I Became a Superhero‘ and ‘Freaks: You’re One of Us.’
Is The Flash on Disney+?
No, ‘The Flash’ is not a part of Disney+’s extensive catalog. Alternatively, you can turn to other action films using your subscription, including ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania‘ and ‘The Avengers.’
Is The Flash on HBO Max?
HBO Max subscribers will need to look for ‘The Flash’ on other platforms as it is not available on the streamer. However, don’t let it stop you from checking out other alternatives on HBO Max, like ‘Shazam!‘ and ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League.’
Is The Flash on Hulu?
We hate to break it to you that ‘The Flash’ is unavailable for streaming on Hulu. But given the collection of movies and TV shows on the platform, you have plenty of options at your disposal. We recommend you watch ‘Dredd.’
Is The Flash on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime subscribers might be a bit disappointed to find out that ‘The Flash’ is not included in the streaming giant’s library. However, you can make the most of your subscription by turning to other alternatives, such as ‘Motral‘ and ‘Samaritan.’
Where to Watch The Flash Online?
‘The Flash’ has been released exclusively in theaters, as of now. So, you don’t have the option of watching the Ezra Miller starrer online, be it by streaming or purchasing. If your patience is running thin and you wish to watch the action unfold on the big screen, you are welcome to check show timings and book tickets on the movie’s official website and Fandango.
How to Stream The Flash For Free?
Since ‘The Flash’ is unavailable on any of the digital platforms at the moment, there is currently no way for you to stream the Andy Muschietti directorial for free. All you can do is wait for the superhero movie to land on any of the online platforms offering a free trial to its new subscribers. Having said that, we encourage our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume and stray away from illegal methods to do the same.
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