Created by Tom Edge, ‘Vigil’ is a police procedural series that features talented actors like Suranne Jones, Rose Leslie, Shaun Evans, Martin Compston, and Paterson Joseph. The show follows DCI Silva, an experienced officer who leads the investigation into the strange disappearance of a Scottish fishing trawler and the death of one of the crew members on HMS Vigil, a Vanguard-class submarine. With unexpected twists and turns, the tense mystery drama keeps viewers guessing till the very end. Curious to learn more about its premise or where it can be streamed? We have got you covered!
What is Vigil About?
When a man dies on HMS Vigil, a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, the incident soon becomes a hot topic in the news, and an investigation is launched. DCI Silva of the Scottish Police Service leads the effort to get to the bottom of the matter, but the mysterious disappearance of a Scottish fishing trawler shortly before the unexpected death puzzles everyone.
While Silva is dedicated to finding the truth, her efforts put the police in direct conflict with the Royal Navy and MI5, the British navy warfare force and domestic counter-intelligence agency, respectively. As the investigation unfolds, the plot takes a dark turn and challenges all the preconceived notions of the viewers while swiftly hurtling towards an unpredictable conclusion. Now, let us share with you all the options you have if you are planning to watch the show!
Is Vigil on Netflix?
‘Vigil’ is unavailable on the streaming giant as of now. People who wish to watch the police procedural series will have to look for it on some other platform. However, Netflix subscribers craving something similar may enjoy watching ‘Deadwind‘ or ‘The Valhalla Murders.’
Is Vigil on Hulu?
Hulu’s massive catalog of television shows and movies does not include this show. Instead, you can check out similar series like ‘Chicago P.D.‘ or ‘The Rookie.’
Is Vigil on Amazon Prime Video?
The police procedural television show is not a part of Amazon Prime Video’s current offering. Moreover, it is unlikely to arrive on the platform as on-demand content in the future. Therefore, Prime subscribers can instead watch ‘Endeavour‘ or ‘Bosch.’
Is Vigil on HBO Max?
Since ‘Vigil’ is not available on HBO Max, we recommend readers alternatively stream ‘C.B. Strike‘ or ‘The Undoing.’
Where to Watch Vigil Online?
‘Vigil’ is exclusively streaming on Peacock in the United States. People who have a subscription to the platform can watch the show here. Meanwhile, if you live in the United Kingdom, you can access the show on BBC iPlayer or BBC One’s official website. The series is also available in the region on iTunes.
How to Stream Vigil for Free?
Peacock offers its first-time subscribers a 7-day free trial to experience its services. If you wish to watch the series for free, then you can use the aforementioned offer. However, we encourage our readers to refrain from using illegal means and watch their favorite content online only after paying for it.
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