Portrayed by Woody McClain, Lorenzo “Cane” Tejada Jr. is an important character in ‘Power Book II: Ghost,’ the second entry in the ‘Power’ franchise. The oldest son of Monet and Lorenzo Tajeda, Cane serves as his mother’s enforcer as she leads their family and the drug business in their father’s absence. His penchant for violence often leads people to disregard his razor-sharp intelligence. In season 3, Cane is the first to figure out that his father has accidentally killed Zeke. He then proceeds to blackmail Lorenzo until the latter saves his life. He is also incredibly pragmatic. After his father’s death, Cane decides to avenge him but later continues to work with his mother even after learning that she killed Lorenzo. If the recent events in ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ have made you wonder whether McClain is leaving the show, here is what we think. SPOILERS AHEAD.
What Happened to Lorenzo “Cane” Tejada Jr.?
Since the moment Cane and Tariq met, they haven’t liked each other. Although they often work together, being part of the same drug empire, the animosity is quite clear to anyone who knows them. On Cane’s part, some of the animosity stems from his interest in Effie, who is romantically involved with Tariq at the start of the season.
In the season 3 finale, Cane is as stunned as anyone to realize that his mother has convinced Noma to let her be their boss. Instead of spending too much time reflecting on that as well as on the fact that Monet killed Lorenzo, Cane starts working again for his mother. They pay the Westons a visit, threatening them with dire consequences if they don’t return their money, which is likely all gone because of Lucas’ Ponzi scheme. Cane later mocks Brayden by continuously showing him the Weston family heirloom timepiece that he took from Brayden’s brother.
Following the attack on Monet, Cane’s siblings convince him that Tariq was responsible, knowing that he will seek to retaliate. In reality, Diana and Dru orchestrated the death of their own mother. They wanted to use Tariq as a pawn, knowing that Cane would kill anyone who did the job. Unfortunately for them, Tariq’s mother, Tasha, shoots Monet.
In the season finale, Cane corners Tariq with the help of his siblings, Noma and her goons, and Effie, who has chosen to betray Tariq so she can still have a future in the business. Just as Cane is about to shoot Tariq, Brayden barges in and starts shooting. One of the bullets hits Cane, but he continues shooting as Brayden and Tariq succeed in getting away.
Cane’s Fate Uncertain After Season 3 Finale
Although Cane gets shot toward the end of the season, we see him get back up and return fire. But that doesn’t mean he will survive at the start of season 4. In the season 3 finale, both Cane and his mother get shot, so it’s extremely possible that the series will lose at least one of them when the next season opens. Although Monet’s condition is much direr, if it has to make more narrative sense, it has to be Cane. Above everything, Cane is efficient. If he dies, Monet has to rely on two children who tried to kill him.
Reflecting on his character’s rise in season 3, McClain told PopCulture, “Cane’s growth this season all comes from Mecca. During the time he spent with Mecca in season 2, Cane has really learned how to really think about things. He’s trying to play chess even though this is his first year playing chess. So he might win some, he might lose some, he might lose a lot actually until he gets really good at it. But I’m just excited about what the writers and the showrunner have created for Cane this season. It’s going to be a lot different than what we’ve seen before.”
What makes ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ such a great show is its unpredictability. The viewers are shown time and again that no one is safe. Cane’s death is a likely possibility, but it doesn’t mean that it will happen. The writers can choose to go in a different direction and keep both him and Monet alive, kill both of them, or just kill Monet.
Read More: Is Mary J. Blige’s Monet Tejada Leaving Power Book II: Ghost?