The Netflix dark comedy show, ‘Kaos,’ delves into a world of prophecies as three unwitting mortals are tasked with toppling the gods of Olympus and their king, Zeus. As such, destiny and foresight play a significant part in the show’s narrative and underlying themes. Their enigmatic purpose remains tied to the mystery surrounding the events of the Charlie Covell drama. It highlights how the gods and mortals try their level best to escape the preordained fate written for them after birth. The mythological series’ eclectic range of personalities is bolstered even further by the presence of a mysterious blonde woman who spews the fates of those she meets. Her presence, although sporadic, adds to the tense battle between free will and destiny that rages throughout the story. SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Blonde Woman is a Famed Prophet From Greek Mythology
The blonde woman in season 1 of ‘Kaos’ is a Trojan prophetess who goes by the name of Cassandra. According to Greek mythology, she was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, who were the last reigning leaders of Troy before its fall. Owing to her elegance and beauty, the princess attracted the attention of the god Apollo, of whom she was a devout servant. The sun god offered her the gift of foresight with the condition that she accepted his love for her. However, she rejected his advances, which slighted Apollo’s confidence and ignited his ire. Consequently, he bestowed the power of prophecy on the woman but cursed her never to be believed, even though she had a clear view of the future.
Like all mortals who spark the rage of the Olympians, Cassandra’s plight was tragic following her newfound gift. She foresaw the fall of Troy in the hands of the Greeks, an observation she reported to those around her. However, owing to Apollo’s curse, no one believed her word, and Troy fell to the Greeks. The tragedy caused her downfall from a tranquil, elegant, and respected woman among her people to a raving individual on whom no one ever laid any credence. Her suffering was unending as it was an internal punishment that ultimately stemmed from the visions that clouded her mind at all times. As a prophet is only as good as those who believe in their word, Apollo’s curse was a final blow to her reputation and sanity.
The Show Merges Myth With its Own Version of Events
In ‘Kaos,’ Cassandra is shown to be quite faithful to her mythical counterpart. Billie Piper, who plays the character, portrays her as a reclusive individual who crosses paths with Eurydice twice before her death in a car accident. She is the first person to warn Riddy (Eurydice) that she is about to end things with Orpheus. However, her words are so vague that Riddy ignores them as a foregone conclusion, realizing that she does not have the courage to break up with Orpheus quite yet. The prophecy ultimately does come true when Riddy passes away in the road accident, severing her relationship with Orpheus, albeit not in the way she imagines. Therefore, Cassandra’s words speak the definite truth, but they are brushed aside because of their vague, riddle-like quality.
As the Trojans live in a segregated community in Heraklion, Cassandra hails from the district herself. It is unclear whether she is the daughter of Queen Hecuba, like her mythical counterpart. It might be explored in later seasons as the role of the Trojans expands in the narrative. The paramount significance of the character lies in how she guides Riddy throughout the story. While Riddy does not believe her initially, it is likely that after her trip through the Underworld and her subsequent return to the world of the living, she might change her mind regarding abiding by prophecies, especially the ones made by Cassandra. The Trojan woman seems to know the truth about a lot of things, including the real purpose of the Frame.
Just like the Fates, the prophet might have a reasonable amount of knowledge surrounding the exact events that need to occur to take down the Olympians once and for all. As such, she is a valuable member of the resistance against the gods and is going to play an integral role in supporting the mortals looking to fight back against Zeus and his lackeys. Her only struggle is making people believe her words and undoing the curse that binds her tongue. Although Apollo does not appear in the show, his potential addition to the cast might lead to some intriguing plotlines surrounding the sun god and Cassandra. However, those territories are the realm of future seasons.
Read More: Kaos: Does Fotis the Dog Die?
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