Created by Charlie Covell, ‘Kaos’ is a British dark comedy show about the gods of Olympus and a prophecy meant to bring their downfall. The story delves into a variety of mythological settings, including the Underworld, where viewers are introduced to the three-headed Cerberus guard dogs of the City of the Dead. One such hound is Fotis, the beloved pet of Caeneus, a worker in Hades’ realm tasked with sifting the dead souls. The dog is Caeneus’ only company in the Underworld while he waits for his loved ones to join him eventually. However, as the Underworld is rife with danger, the dog and Caeneus’ bond is often strained by forces beyond their control. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Fotis is Caeneus’ Close Companion
Once souls cross into the Underworld, they must pass through several administration stages before being sent toward the renewal program. The Cerberus hounds play a pivotal role in sifting between the unresolved souls and the ones who have guaranteed passage to the Frame. Therefore, Fotis’ job is to help sort out the hordes of dead queuing through the entrance of Asphodel every day by figuring out which soul belongs to which group. As his handler, Caeneus has to keep the dog focused on his task while taking it on walks, feeding it, and taking care of its emotional needs. It makes sense, therefore, that Caeneus establishes a deep bond with the dog over time as he serves his role in the Underworld.
The Underworld rules are different from those in the mortal realm. In Hades’ city, everything that moves and occupies the land is a dead creature, including the animals. Additionally, Fotis’ Cerberus heritage makes him a special breed of dog that cannot be found anywhere else other than the Underworld. As such, the dog may be impervious to all manner of mortal harm as it already inhabits the land of the dead, meaning that it might be a combination of other dogs who have passed away on Earth. Several dogs like Fotis occupy the realm of the dead, suggesting that the dogs that die on Earth get remade into the Cerberus dogs. They serve a specific task for the God of the Dead and help keep the Underworld in order.
Later in the narrative, Caeneus gets removed from his job as a dog handler and is posted as a diver instead. He is reluctant to change his career, mainly because he is waiting for his mother to join him. However, part of him also does not want to be away from Fotis, as the dog has been his only friend since arriving in Asphodel. Once he relocates to the Center for the Unresolved, he still maintains a bond with Fotis by taking him out of his cage and going for a walk. Obviously, he cares deeply for the dog and will not be separated from him, even if his job requires him to do so. As the season ends with Caeneus still stuck in the Underworld, it is likely that he and Fotis will meet once again, as the dog is unlikely to die anytime soon. However, his higher purpose may make their reunion slightly complicated.
Read More: Kaos: Does Dennis the Cat Die?