Helmed by Vishal Bhardwaj, ‘Khufiya’ is a riveting tale set in the world of intelligence agencies and secret agents. Based on Amar Bhushan’s book ‘Escape to Nowhere,’ the spy film follows Krishna Mehra, an operative of the Indian intelligence agency R&AW, who is on a mission to track down a mole who trades secret information against the country. A cat-and-mouse chase ensues while Mehra also deals with the struggles of her personal life as a mother and as a lover.
The thriller film stars Tabu, Ali Fazal, Wamiqa Gabbi, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Azmeri Haque Badhon, and keeps the audience at the edge of their seats till the very end. Even in the last few moments, the narrative does not lose its grip and the film concludes on a high note. If you are curious to know more about the ending of ‘Khufiya,’ we have got you covered! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Khufiya Plot Synopsis
Krishna Mehra (aka KM) is an operative of R&AW working undercover in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She hires a woman named Heena on a mission to take down Mirza, a Bangladeshi politician with close ties to Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI, whose rise to power is seen as a threat to India. However, information about Heena’s mission is leaked by an insider and she gets killed. During the investigation of the incident, Jeev, the head of the Counter-Intelligence & Security Division suspects that an R&AW agent named Ravi Mohan could be behind the leak. He commands Krishna to put Ravi under surveillance so that they can reach his handlers. Krishna and her team install hidden cameras in Ravi’s home and office and start tracking his activities.
Under surveillance, Ravi is seen photocopying confidential documents and trading them for money. All this while, his mother is involved in the conspiracy with him, while his wife, Charu, and their son, Kunal, remain unaware of the proceedings. By tracking Ravi’s activities, Jeev comes to know that Ravi is working for the CIA, the US intelligence agency that does not want India to get involved in Bangladesh’s politics so that ISI, Pakistan’s intelligence agency, does not get upset and stops its cooperation in taking down Osama bin Laden. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Krishna, who worked with Heena for around three years, fell in love with her. She is a divorcee who goes through a troubled relationship with her son as he does not have enough time for him owing to her work.
At the same time, Ravi discovers a hidden camera at his home and escapes to the USA with his mother and Kunal, while Charu, who is against the betrayal of the country, is left behind injured. On recovering, she reaches the USA with Krishna’s help and gains the trust of her family. Meanwhile, Krishna also reaches the USA and once again starts tracking Ravi. However, instead of going against him, she schemes with him to kill Mirza, who is arriving in town soon. She strikes a deal with Ravi that if he helps her assassinate Mirza, he will be set free and can return to India with his family. Mirza is eventually invited for dinner at Ravi’s home, along with CIA cooperative David and his wife. By the end, it is finally revealed if Krishna succeeds in her plan.
Khufiya Ending: Who Kills Mirza?
Ravi smashes Mirza’s head against the wall, leaving him injured, and Krishna comes up with the plan to let him bleed to death. While Krishna initially schemes to kill him by mixing poison in his food, things go awry and the secret agent has to come up with a new scheme on the spot. The whole scenario begins when David announces to Ravi that Mirza is arriving in town and wants to meet him to thank him for saving his life by leaking information about Heena’s mission. When Krishna gets to know about the arrangement, she offers Ravi a deal: his freedom in exchange for Mirza’s life. She tells him to call him to his home for dinner and assassinate him.
To make it look like a natural death, which does not lead to international suspicion, Krishna plans to mix poison in lamb curry, a dish requested by Mirza. At the same time, David who is also invited to dinner with his wife, is sent back to his place by creating a fake power cut emergency. While Ravi, his mother, Charu, and David’s wife sit at the dinner table with Mirza, Krishna watches everything through hidden cameras. However, when the whole family refuses to eat lamb curry giving different excuses, Mirza suspects something fishy. Sensing his life in danger, he places a knife on Ravi’s mother’s throat, leading to mayhem in the house.
In the ensuing chaos, Mirza slits the old woman’s throat, and an enraged Ravi smashes his head against the wall. While Mirza lies unconscious bleeding, Ravi steps forward to end his life but is stopped by Krishna, who reminds him of the repercussions. As soon as David returns, he panics looking at the situation, but Krishna convinces him to let Mirza bleed to death if he does not want his involvement in the espionage to come out in public. They eventually put his body in a bathtub and pretend that he must have slipped and hit his head while taking a bath. The same news is broadcast by international news channels, and the truth remains hidden.
Does Ravi Return to India?
Yes, Ravi returns to India at the end. In one of the final shots of the film, he is seen coming face to face with Jeev on coming back to India. However, it is not revealed if any action is taken against him or if he is let go. Throughout the film, Ravi’s betrayal of his organization and his country forms a central theme in the film. When information about Heena’s mission is leaked, he becomes the prime suspect as he has been seen photocopying secret documents and taking them out of office. Even his family comes under suspicion as Charu is seen taking their son swimming every day to a place where she comes across numerous foreign nationals.
However, it later comes out that not Charu, but Ravi’s mother is his ally in the conspiracy. Her husband was involved in all the major arms deals in the country, and she trained under him. Meanwhile, Ravi, believes that he is not a mole, but a true patriot as he is helping the US throw the Taliban out of Afghanistan, which will help his country in the long run. He claims that he tried to make R&AW understand his point, but it was of no use, so he took matters into his own hands. At the same time, he also enjoys the luxuries that come from trading secret information.
Ravi loves to live a lavish lifestyle, from buying diamond necklaces for his wife to gifting bundles of cash to his mother. However, everything changes once he escapes to the US with the help of the CIA. Living in South Dakota under the alias of Robin Singh, the secret agent struggles to make ends meet. Even the CIA starts to turn him away gradually. Feeling tired of being on the run from his own country, he finds an opportunity for freedom when Krishna offers him the deal to assassinate Mirza.
Did Krishna and Heena Love Each Other?
Yes, Krishna and Heena were in love with each other, as seen in the flashback sequences. Krishna’s personal life remains an important plot point in the film and her sexuality adds another dimension to her layered character. There is a chemistry between Krishna and Heena from the very first time they meet each other. The spark becomes even more evident when Krishna visits Heena’s home and the latter tries to kiss her. Later in the film, the two are seen sleeping together.
When Krishna comes to know that Heena is working for the ISI, she is devastated and feels betrayed. However, Heena goes on to prove her loyalty and love by putting her life in danger and going on a secret mission all alone to assassinate Mirza. Unfortunately, she is busted and killed and her love story with Krishna remains incomplete. When the news reaches Krishna, she breaks down completely but picks herself up to go against the people who are responsible for her lover’s death.
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