Created by Rick Hurvitz, ‘Resurrected Rides’ is a Netflix car restoration reality show that brings together a crack team of mechanics to transform old and beat-up cars into custom-made rides that reflect the personality of their owners. Among the crew in the debut season, Lacey Blair played the less glamorous but essential role of upgrading components under the hood and fine-tuning the vehicle’s ride experience. Besides her technical expertise, Blair was a cheerful and supportive presence around the workshop, often lending a helping hand to the other mechanics with tips and encouragement. With her expert knowledge of components and suspensions, the stylish stereotype-breaking country girl has garnered a substantial fanbase curious about her subsequent work.
Lacey Blair is an Energetic Presence at Automotive Events
Hailing from Missouri, Lacey Blair is a multi-talented business owner and star mechanic who is a recognized figure in her motorhead community. Having worked odd jobs, owned a hair salon, and bought 40 acres of land and commercial properties in her early twenties, Blair is particularly hard working with a side of hustle in her spirit. She is specifically passionate about modified trucks and began her journey into their fuel-guzzling world at the age of 21 with the first purchase of her very own truck. Her passion eventually translated to starting her own automotive brand and garage, LB Motorsports, which takes up most of her focus nowadays. If you are attending a major car or trucking event, there is a very good chance that you’ll spot Blair and her long-term boyfriend, Zach Pennock, in attendance under the LB Motorsports banner.
She attended the Atlantic City Truck Meet in June 2024, helping set up the LB Motorsports stall. As the trucks hit the tarmac, Blair encouraged those in attendance to check out the Burnout Wars show. The former Gauge Girl burned rubber in a hot pink pickup truck while Zach stole the show with his custom truck revving a supercharged V8. The couple finished off the month by putting up the Elevate MFG, LLC booth for the Scrapin The Coast annual car and truck show. She also participated in Lone Star Throwdown 2024, being placed in the top 100. Blair has notably been featured in the Discovery Channel series ‘Diesel Brothers,’ where she became the newest member of the crew, helping fix run-down trucks.
Blair is a Fashionable Role Model For Women’s Empowerment
Besides her involvement with automotives, Lacey Blair has nurtured an interest in fashion since her 20s, starting her own clothing line, Lacey Blair Co. With their slogan reading, “Bad A$$ women supporting Bad A$$ women,” the brand sells tank tops, hats, t-shirts, and other merchandise. Making a name for herself in a male-dominated industry, Blair has had plenty of women support and inspire her throughout her career and she continues the trend by being a role model for a new generation of entrepreneurial girls. She also models for advertisements and carries out brand endorsements on her thriving social media platforms. Her Instagram has over 238,000 followers, while her YouTube channel boasts north of 363,000 subscribers.
A Highly Supportive Community Surrounds Blair
The proud dog mom often attributes parts of her success to the immense support and inspiration given to her by close friends and boyfriend. Zach has been an unwavering and dedicated partner for Blair, sharing all her motorhead passions and often lending a helping hand with her gritty vehicle work. While the trucking enthusiast prefers to let his actions do the talking, on July 1, he took to Instagram to wish Blair on her 30th birthday, writing, “Glad I got to spend another trip around the sun with you!”
Among Blair’s core pillars of support has been her best friend, Emily Larson. “You’re the one who believed in me before I ever even believed in myself,” wrote Blair in an Instagram post, appreciating Larson on her birthday. “From tackling wedding hair and makeup days with me to bed liners, sandblasting, being my OG photographer, and everything in between. You are the true definition of someone who saw the vision from the start and stayed to pick up the bricks to help build it.” Lacey Blair continues setting standards as a trailblazer by being an incredibly successful woman in the automotive industry, juggling the demanding roles of star mechanic, influencer, and business owner.
Read More: Tavon McVey: Where is the Resurrected Rides Car Owner Now?