Created by Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallace, ‘Landman’ centers on a modern-day oil boom in the Permian basin that draws risk-taking businessmen, opportunistic bankers, and desperate criminals, all seeking to make their fortune with the black gold. Based on the podcast ‘Boomtown’ by Wallace, the Paramount+ show features a star-studded cast and follows a number of storylines, including that of Tommy Norris (Billy Bob Thornton), a debt-ridden crisis executive at an oil company. Set against the harsh landscapes of West Texas, the neo-Western drama series paints a gritty picture of the oil industry, juxtaposing the lives of roughneck laborers with the high-powered billionaires who drive its economy.
Landman Filming Locations
‘Landman’ is primarily filmed in Fort Worth, Weatherford, Young County, and Odessa, Texas. Principal photography for the debut season was carried out between February 6, 2024, and June 23, 2024. The arduous five-month shoot weighed on each of the cast members differently. For Jacob Lofland, the physicality of his character presented a challenge, while James Jordan got sick of eating beans.
Fort Worth, Texas
Located in North Central Texas, the city of Fort Worth is the main filming location for ‘Landman.’ Part of the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, the city provides a versatile urban backdrop that helps create the show’s distinct visual aesthetic. Key locations like Texas Christian University (TCU), the American Association of Professional Landmen Headquarters, and the Fort Worth Petroleum Club serve as notable shooting sites. Some of the teen characters in the show are depicted as attending the Texas Christian University, which is situated at 2800 South University Drive. The close-up sequences of the university stadium in the show are shot at the TCU track and field stadium. The production also invites the TCU film, television, and digital students to shadow the crew when they film in the area.
For the first season, filming for sequences in and around the Cantina was carried out along Main Street, north of Fort Worth Stockyards. The club with a central green-roofed building that Tommy goes to is actually the River Crest Country Club on 1501 Western Avenue. It is considered the city’s oldest country club and can trace its roots back to 1911. Establishing shots of dark and glossy skyscrapers feature the structures in Downtown Fort Worth, including Burnett Plaza and City Place Center towers. The Fort Worth Petroleum Club, located at 777 Main Street, and the American Association of Professional Landmen Headquarters, at 800 Fournier Street, both serve as filming locations for their authentic ties to the city’s industrial roots.
Odessa, Texas
The production crew also travels west of Fort Worth to the small city of Odessa in Ector County. The establishing shots of the open football stadium seen in the show are actually of the Ratliff Stadium on 1862 East Yukon Road. It is mainly used by the city’s two public high schools and was also a filming site for the 2004 sports movie, ‘Friday Night Lights.’ Other movies filmed in Odessa include ‘The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada’ and ‘Circus of the Dead.’
Weatherford, Texas
Filming for ‘Landman’ is also carried out in Weatherford, which sits immediately west of Fort Worth in Parker County. Sheridan and his family reside on a ranch near Weatherford, making shooting in the town a comfortable affair. Weatherford has a rustic charm and culture that resembles the Western stereotypes of Texas, adding to the grounded visual gallery of ‘Landman.’
Young County, Texas
The rugged landscapes of Young County, Texas, provide authentic backgrounds to ‘Landman,’ with expansive plains, historical architecture, and ties to Texas’ oil industry. While shooting in Texas, the cast and crew experienced the temperamentality of the region’s weather but took it in stride. “We got a lot of lightning delays, and the weather is very intense. Where you think it’s going to be hot, and all of a sudden it’s hailing, and it’s 42°,” said actress Ali Larter in an interview.
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