With ‘The Girl on the Train’ director Tate Taylor at the helm, ‘Ma’ is a psychological thriller film that revolves around a reclusive middle-aged woman who offers her place at a hangout spot to a few teenagers. However, the crew soon realizes they have stepped on murky waters by befriending the woman. When a seemingly friendly veterinary assistant named Sue Ann Ellington helps some teenagers score some alcohol from the liquor store, they appreciate her generosity and befriend her. To their luck, Sue grants the teens permission to throw a party in her basement. The kids are awed by Sue’s kindness and begin referring to her as “Ma.”
The teens are more than welcome at Ma’s place as long as they adhere to certain house rules — no swearing will be tolerated at her house; they can chill in the basement but are not allowed to roam in her house, especially upstairs; and lastly, one of the kids must remain sober. As they spend more and more time with Ma, the teenagers realize she is not as sweet as she seems, and their lives soon turn into a living nightmare. Featuring an electrifying performance by Academy Award-winning actor Octavia Spencer, the 2019 film is driven by an engaging storyline that slightly touches upon obsession and bullying, unpredictable twists, and a tight setting that complements the claustrophobic atmosphere of the film. If you’re wondering where ‘Ma’ was filmed, we’ve got your back.
Ma Was Shot in Mississippi
‘Ma’ is filmed extensively in the southern state of Mississippi, particularly in and around Natchez. The principal photography of the horror thriller film commenced in February 2018 and wrapped up in a few weeks in March of the same year. The cast and crew had an amazing time filming the project and breathing life into the interesting characters of the intense narrative that is largely set at Ma’s den. So, without wasting much time, let’s traverse through the specific locations where the Octavia Spencer starrer was shot!
Natchez, Mississippi
The production of ‘Ma’ primarily took place in the city of Natchez in Adams county in the southwestern part of Mississippi. Most of the pivotal sequences in the revenge-themed thriller take place in the house of Sue Ann AKA Ma. Director Taylor, a Mississippi native and a , decided to let his own house named Wyolah Plantation in the tiny community of Church Hill in Jefferson County stand in as the house of the veterinary aide. Built in 1836 and located just north of Natchez, the antebellum plantation complex spans 100-acre and comprises a magnificent three story mansion with Greek Revival-style architecture and several outbuildings.
As per reports, Octavia Spencer shared the space with the director during the period of production. Interestingly, the two had earlier lived together for seven years in Los Angeles while trying to establish their footing in Hollywood. In a February 2018 exclusive interview with Variety, Taylor revealed, “It’s going to be a blast. We’ll be living in my house in Mississippi and shooting on my land during the day, and then making dinner and telling stories and breaking bread later that night.” A fan of all things history, Tate Taylor bought the place in 2016 and spent years reviving its glory and preserving its legacy.
As per reports, Taylor and his film producer partner, John Norris, are current residents of the estate. For the purpose of filming, the production team also ventured out of the complex. The Natchez Veterinary Clinic at 404 Liberty Road doubled up for the scenes based in the interior of the veterinary clinic where Sue Ann works in the film. The sequence wherein Sue Ann buys alcohol for Maggie and her friends from a liquor store was shot in and around Franklin Street Liquor Store at 38 East Franklin in the area. Apart from ‘Ma,’ Natchez has also served as a shooting site for several movies and TV shows, such as ‘True Blood,’ ‘The Ladykillers,’ ‘Get on Up,’ and ‘Jones Plantation.’
Read More: Is Octavia Spencer’s Ma Inspired by a True Story?
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