In the ninth episode of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 3, Ian Ferguson and his partner, Stevie, take Charlie to an isolated region to find a dead body. Ever since the serial killer’s arrest, Ian has been trying to learn more about his crimes by building a connection with him. The latest revelation concerns a dead body he buried in multiple places, including the same ground with two trees. The expedition progresses well until the murderer says something the detective has been trying to bury deep for a long time. Ian then shoots down Charlie, putting an end to their intricate companionship! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Ian’s Precaution
Ian kills Charlie to safeguard himself as far as Morrisey’s murder is concerned. After getting to know more about Charlie upon his arrest, Ian realizes that he cannot treat the murderer like how he deals with other criminals. He then forms a friendship with the serial killer and makes him happy with burgers, beverages, and company. Charlie, who has been living a lonely life for a long while, sees a friend in the detective without knowing the latter’s real intentions. To make the police officer happy and remain friends with him, he starts to reveal his murders and other crimes, gaining the former’s approval.
In the second season, Ian threatens Morrisey, who builds a case against the detective’s colleague Robert. The police officer brings Charlie to Morrisey’s home for the serial killer to learn the location of the place. Ian adds to the witness in the case that the prisoner is a brutal murderer and rapist who is now a threat to the man’s family if he is not ready to withdraw his statement against Robert, insinuating that the detective will unleash the murderer from the prison if needed. The meeting ends with Morrisey shouting at Charlie, who snaps and kills the former. As far as the serial killer is concerned, this murder is just another crime he did.
Charlie doesn’t realize how Morrisey’s murder is different from his other killings, specifically because of Ian’s involvement. The lack of a distinction makes him talk about the crime in front of Stevie. From Charlie’s POV, he is trying to reveal just another crime to make Ian feel happy and proud of him. However, the revelation will not only rewrite the “robbery-went-wrong” explanation behind Morrisey’s murder but also bring Ian’s threat to light. Such a turn of events will severely jeopardize the detective’s life and career. He may even end up in prison for being an accomplice in a murder. Thus, the cop kills Charlie to avoid these potential developments that will guarantee his downfall.
Kenny Johnson’s Exit From Mayor of Kingstown
As of yet, neither Paramount+ nor Kenny Johnson has officially announced the actor’s departure from ‘Mayor of Kingstown.’ However, considering Charlie’s death, a statement regarding the exit is just a matter of formality. The crime drama does not make use of flashback sequences or dreams/visions to accommodate Charlie in the upcoming episodes. Even if the narrative revolves around the complications arising from the character’s murder, we will most likely not physically see Johnson in the scenes. The exits of Dianne Wiest and Kyle Chandler, who haven’t reappeared in the series after the deaths of Mariam and Mitch, respectively, are in front of us to know that there is no point in expecting to see Johnson again.
Charlie’s death and Johnson’s seemingly subsequent exit are no surprises, considering how the character has always been a ticking time bomb. The serial killer has been mentioning Morrisey’s murder multiple times, provoking Ian. His characteristics are enough to deduce that these mentions are never going to cease, leaving no choice for the detective other than killing him. This particular storyline might have been conceived with the murderer’s death from the start to explore the intricacies of police work, which includes bending the same rules every cop like Ian is supposed to uphold. In the upcoming episodes, we may see the murder haunting the detective in the form of an internal investigation, adding tension to the storyline of one of the main characters.
Read More: Is Rhonda Dead? Did Nona Parker Johnson Leave Mayor of Kingstown?
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