In the episode titled ‘A Little Patch of Perfect’ of NBC’s ‘Dateline,’ the focus is on the gruesome murder of an experienced lawyer named Gary Farris, who was found burned in his property in the summer of 2018. When the investigators delved deeper into the case, they uncovered some dark secrets about the family that led them to the killer — Melody Farris, the victim’s wife. It took the prosecutors several years before she was finally brought to justice for her crimes.
Melody Farris Indulged in at Least Two Extramarital Affairs During Her Marriage to Gary Farris
Melody Farris was married to Gary Farris, an attorney for the Atlanta-based law firm Burr & Forman, for nearly four decades, during which they had given birth to four children — Emily, Christopher, Scott, and Amanda Farris. The couple resided in a 10-acre Purcell Lane property in Alpharetta, with one of their children, Scott, living in an apartment right above the barn. The long-running marriage came to a sudden and tragic close on July 5, 2018, when charred remains of Gary were found on the property. Upon inspecting the suspicious scene, the investigators initially theorized that he might have suffered a medical condition that made him fall into the fire.
However, when they discovered a bullet inside one of the victim’s rib bones, they launched a homicide investigation but could not find any weapon that matched the fatal bullet that killed him. As they delved deeper into the marital life of the Farris’, they learned that it had been hanging by a thread for several years, mainly due to Melody’s alleged extramarital affairs. At the time of Gary’s death, the couple were reportedly also arguing about finances. Around 2008, she allegedly began having a secret affair with her sister’s partner, Ted Wylie, which lasted for several years.
In February 2010, when Gary was suspicious about the relationship, he filed for divorce only for his petition to be dismissed. Following the affair, although he reportedly removed her from joint accounts, she still had a say in most of the family’s financial matters. In the initial stages of the investigation, Melody denied having any affairs during her marriage, which turned out to be a lie. Later, she admitted to having an affair with Roy “Rusty” Barton but claimed that it had ended a year prior to Gary’s demise. In 2019, when the detectives had gathered incriminating evidence against her, they arrested her in Tullahoma, Tennessee, where she was with Roy. She was charged with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, concealing the death of another, and making a false statement in the death of her husband.
Melody Farris is Serving Her Sentence at a Georgia Prison Facility Today
About five years after her arrest, on October 7, 2024, Melody Farris stood trial for the 2018 murder of her husband, Gary Farris. During the trial, the prosecution presented various pieces of evidence against the defendant and argued that she had the motive to commit the crime — she was the beneficiary of a $2 million life insurance policy of her husband. Meanwhile, the defense argued that there were too many unresolved questions to have her convicted. Scott Farris, one of the couple’s sons who used to live above them and who discovered the remains of his father, testified, “I’ve seen my mother cry hundreds of times throughout my life, and it appeared to me to be fake.” On the other hand, the defense tried to shift the blame onto Scott by claiming that he owned a .38 caliber ammunition, the type of bullet that was found inside Gary’s body.
They also questioned the possibility of Melody moving her 300-pound husband onto the burn pile single-handedly. After deliberating for a couple of days, on November 4, 2024, the jury returned with a guilty verdict and convicted Melody Farris of all five counts she was charged with. About a month later, in December, during her sentencing, the killer maintained her innocence and claimed that her son, Scott, was the real murderer. Melody took the stand and stated, “I’ve had six plus years of being told not to talk, don’t say that, take legal advice. I could walk out of this courtroom today and drop over dead. I want to make sure that my children, my grandchildren, and Gary’s family, and to be honest, at this point in time, the entire world who has viewed this…I have waited for years to make this statement to everyone.”
She also pleaded with the judge to show her leniency, saying, “I know that in my heart, body, and soul, who did this. And I am begging for help. I’m begging you, Judge Cannon. Please do not send me to prison for something I didn’t do. I did not do this. If I had done this, I would take this charge gladly.” Ultimately, Melody Walker Farris was sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of parole after serving 30 years behind bars. In addition, she was sentenced to five years for concealing details about her husband’s death and five years more for making a false statement during the investigation. As of today, she is incarcerated at Arrendale State Prison in Alto, Georgia.
Read More: Where Are Gary Farris’ Kids Now?
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