Melvin Earl Combs and Janice Combs: What Happened to P Diddy’s Parents?

With productions like HBO Max’s ‘Fall of Diddy’ and Peacock’s ‘Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy’ shining a light upon the titular music mogul, we get a much deeper insight into him. After all, these originals incorporate not just archival footage but also exclusive interviews to really shine a light upon the hip-hop star’s career as well as his alleged actions of abuse and assault. Therefore, of course, among the most significant individuals mentioned throughout these were his parents, Janice Smalls Combs and Melvin Earl Combs, who did everything in their power to give him a good life.

P. Diddy’s Parents Always Wanted Their Kids To Have the Best of the Best

It was on November 4, 1969, that Sean “Puffy” John Combs, aka P. Diddy, was born in Harlem, New York, to Janice Smalls Combs and Melvin Earl Combs as the eldest of their two children. They later had a daughter, Keisha, before eventually relocating to suburban Mount Vernon despite not having enough money to actually cross the poverty line. The truth is Janice made this move following her husband’s death in 1972, which she told her children happened in a car accident before diving into work as a model and teacher’s assistant.

Despite the Combs’ being in poverty, Janice made sure to have her kids stand out from the crowd so as to ensure they got the best of opportunities, and she did it through education. She actually enrolled her son in an all-boys private Catholic high school, made sure he was always dressed to the nines, played Little League baseball, made the football team, and served as an altar boy. Unfortunately, as per an old friend, this resulted in Diddy being bullied a lot, but Janice didn’t falter because she wanted to make her son hard.

Janice Combs Allegedly Had Her Fair Share of Issues, Too

While nothing has been confirmed as of writing, an old friend of Diddy’s has alleged that although Janice was a great and caring mother most of the time, there were times she possibly took things too far. According to this friend, she was hot and cold towards Diddy owing to how similar he looked to his father and that he was soft in her eyes, which could have even meant his end in Harlem. Therefore, she often “punished” him for any kind of error he made or when he came across as “soft,” but his friend couldn’t comment on whether these were justifiable or not because he didn’t know the entire background.

As if that’s not enough, this friend, hip-hop producer Tim “Dawg” Patterson, has since also claimed in the Peacock original that it wasn’t uncommon for Janice to throw sex parties at home. Tim alleged that it was usual for them to walk in and see adults having sex everywhere, which possibly desensitized them a lot since they were just kids at the time. “Were we aware of it? No, that was just Saturday night,” he said before implying these could possibly be one of the reasons why Diddy got into depraved acts as he grew older.

“I’ve always been asked the question why,” Tim said. “I don’t know the answer to why, but I truly believe it all goes back to childhood.” After all, these parties allegedly happened almost every weekend, which meant Diddy was always around people of all genders and sexual preferences. There was allegedly also alcohol and drugs at these parties since those who attended were “from the streets,” including pimps and pushers. While no one has been able to corroborate these claims either, Tim has remained steadfast they are real.

P. Diddy Didn’t Know the Truth About His Father Until College

While Diddy believed his father had died in a car crash until he was attending Howard College to follow in his footsteps, he was proud all the same since he believed Melvin to be a hustler. Ever since he was a kid, he craved to have a father figure in his life despite Jancie taking up both roles as best as she could, so he was happy when he saw his Air Force veteran father was someone. Although this someone was a known associate of Harlem drug kingpins, including Nicky Barnes, Willie Abraham, and Frank Lucas, he actually died in a drug deal gone wrong.

Melvin was 33 when he was shot twice in the head while he was sitting in his car on Central Park West to complete a drug deal. He was found slumped over a few hours later, which he found out because he looked up Melvin’s name on the college computer. “When I typed in my father’s name and the day he died, I read in the Amsterdam News that he had been murdered in a drug deal gone bad,” he said. “Right there in that library, I realized there’s nothing greater than a mother’s love and desire to protect her child.” However, Didy was still proud of where he came from.

Janice and Diddy Remain Close to This Day

Whether it be buying Janice a car alongside $1 million for her birthday or setting her up on dates upon realizing she was single, Diddy has done it all for his mother over the years. From what we can tell, Jancie still resides in Mount Vernon, New York, where she is now surrounded by friends and family at every turn, making them proud of all that she has done. She might have made mistakes in the past or had issues of her own, yet her love for her kids, her grandkids, and all those close to her has always been unwavering.

It thus comes as no surprise that after Diddy was accused of abuse and assault in late 2023, Janice came out in defense of him. In a statement through her lawyers, she said she was “profoundly saddened” by the allegations against her son, but she believed he had a right to defend himself. “I am not here to portray my son as perfect because he is not,” she added. “He has made mistakes in his past, as we all have…” She then said her son never admitted guilt, but it was taken that way by the federal government, resulting in criminal charges against him. She is heartbroken that Diddy is in jail, but she has hope and wants the best for him.

Read More: Kat Pasion: Where is P. Diddy’s Alleged Victim Now?