The sixth episode of Starz’s comedy series ‘Minx’ season 2, titled ‘This is Our Zig,’ revolves around Doug Renetti’s efforts to propose to Tina before he leaves for Europe as the head of Minx International. Joyce Prigger and her sister Shelly leave for Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, where the former finished her college education. Joyce returns to her alma mater as a star publisher, hoping to impress her favorite professor, Doreen, and ask her to write the prologue of her book. The nuanced episode leaves behind several ambiguous questions. If you are trying to find the answers to the same, you are at the right place! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Minx Season 2 Episode 6 Recap
‘This is Our Zig’ begins with Joyce getting ready to leave for her alma mater, Vassar College, to launch a fellowship in her name. Doug shows up at her office and retrieves a ring he had hidden inside the walls of the same. He then explains to Joyce that he wishes to propose to Tina before he has to leave for Europe as the head of Minx International. Shelly leaves for Poughkeepsie along with Joyce as she is happy to finally spend some time with her sister. Joyce promises her sister that she is all hers once she finishes the ceremony at the college. Joyce also wants to meet her favorite professor, Doreen, and ask her whether the latter will write the prologue of her book.
Bambi shows up at Bottom Dollar Publications while Richie is working on his portfolio. They both have drugs for a trip, hoping that it would help them share an honest conversation. Tina is getting ready to attend the retirement party of her mother Evelyn. She lets Doug know that it is fine if he doesn’t want to accompany her but the latter wants to enter the good books of his partner’s family. At the retirement party, Evelyn and Tina’s brother Marvin are hostile towards Doug, who tolerates the same for Tina. Joyce celebrates her fame upon arriving at Vassar, seemingly abandoning Shelly.
Meanwhile, Shelly strikes up a conversation with Doreen, who acknowledges and appreciates the former and her writings. Joyce comes to learn that Doreen doesn’t even remember her. After the ceremony, she walks in on Shelly and Doreen while they are having sex, which leads to a fight between the two sisters.
Minx Season 2 Episode 6 Ending: Will Doug and Tina End Up Together?
Doug and Tina have been sharing their lives with each other for a long time. Even after loving her immensely, Doug had to marry someone else when Tina’s family stood in their way in the past. After losing her once, Doug doesn’t want to repeat the same mistake, which motivates him to propose to her. Doug always has Tina beside him during the good and bad times and he wants to take their relationship to the next stage by putting a ring on her finger. However, during Evelyn’s retirement party, Tina reveals that she got promoted to the head of Minx International by Constance Papadopoulos, who funds Bottom Dollar.
Doug realizes that even though Joyce handed the position over to him, Constance wants Tina to run the international division of Minx. Even after losing his position and pride, Doug doesn’t lose his composure. He makes it clear that his priority is Tina by telling her that he wants to become that man who shares everything with her. Having said that, he is heavily upset that Tina has been hiding every significant development in her life from him. He feels discarded, which stops him from proposing to her the same night. Still, Tina comes across Doug’s ring and realizes what her partner’s intentions are.
The fate of Doug and Tina’s relationship will depend on the decisions the latter will make concerning her future. Upon becoming the head of Minx International, she is flying high as an ambitious bird. She must decide whether she should put an end to her flight temporarily and end up with Doug for good. Tina may wonder whether ending up together with him may affect her departure for Europe, which is an essential move for her as a business “student.” She may not want to jeopardize her career and ambitions by accepting Doug as her life partner. Therefore, Tina may wonder whether she can leave for Europe after saying yes to her partner when he proposes.
If losing the head position of Minx International doesn’t change Doug’s mind at all, he may propose to Tina. She may reply yes but it may only happen if they both agree to pursue their relationship as a long-distance one.
Why Do Joyce and Shelly Fight? Do They Reconnect?
After arriving at Vassar, Joyce gets immersed in her fame. She leaves Shelly on her own to be the center of attention at the ceremony but she fails to earn the attention of her favorite professor, Doreen, who enjoys the time she spends with Shelly. When Joyce learns that Doreen doesn’t remember her, she stoops to sadness, which transforms into anger when she encounters Shelly and Doreen having sex. Joyce feels that Shelly is ruining her big night, only for the latter to make it clear that the former is nothing but an ungrateful sister who lost herself to her newfound popularity.
Shelly sacrificed her dreams and ambitions to take care of Joyce. She left college and returned home when Joyce was eight upon realizing that their father could not look after his younger daughter on his own. Joyce conquered the heights she did conquer because of Shelly’s sacrifice but the former hasn’t shown gratitude towards her sister for the same. Lately, all she does is immerse herself in her popularity without any regard for Shelly. The elder sister, on the other hand, doesn’t want to sit and wait for Joyce to start appreciating her. She knows that she has a life to live on her own terms, which she does by staying back in Vassar.
Although Shelly tells Joyce that they are good, the former isn’t bothered about it. She is discovering new realms of happiness and personal satisfaction, which leaves her no time to worry about what others think about her. Therefore, Joyce may need to start appreciating the efforts Shelly has been putting into helping the former if she wants to reconnect with her elder sister properly.
Read More: Is Minx Based on a True Story?
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